My Money Fuck Off


Well-Known Member
No no no... You got it all wrong.

They are going to borrow money from China which your kids will have to pay interest on to finance support for local law enforcement in Afganistan while the politicians in this country cut police and fire fighter jobs due to budget cutbacks.


Well-Known Member
The biggest organized crime syndicate in the world the US Government.

All the people have to do is stop giving them money. tell em to fuck off, as one voice, nothing they can do but put their tails between their legs and run, or hang. their choice....


Well-Known Member
The biggest organized crime syndicate in the world the US Government.

All the people have to do is stop giving them money. tell em to fuck off, as one voice, nothing they can do but put their tails between their legs and run, or hang. their choice....
but the federal govt pays me during tax time...i don't pay them :D


Well-Known Member
"Col. John Evans, deputy commanding officer of Combined Forces Special Operations, said at 30,000 in number, the groups would cost an estimated $170 million to maintain annually, making them significantly cheaper than the police or army as an Afghan method of providing security locally."

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Shouldn't this be the other way around? If the war on terror was because of Afghanistan, that country should be paying the United States police forces.

Supposedly police departments around the country are under funded. Yet, we have money to spend on Afghanistan police? Just last year California couldn't make its budget and had to close government agencies like the DMV once a week every Friday for nearly a month. I could go on and on. But we have enough "surplus" funds for their police. No one else sees something wrong with this?


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't this be the other way around? If the war on terror was because of Afghanistan, that country should be paying the United States police forces.

Supposedly police departments around the country are under funded. Yet, we have money to spend on Afghanistan police? Just last year California couldn't make its budget and had to close government agencies like the DMV once a week every Friday for nearly a month. I could go on and on. But we have enough "surplus" funds for their police. No one else sees something wrong with this?
Afghanistan didnt ask to be attacked and occupied, empires cost money to run.


Well-Known Member
Then we should privatize it and turn it into an amusement park... The magic carpet ride on a much greater scale...
Yeah you tried that and the Russians before you, Afghanistan although occupied can never truely be conquered..."idiocy is the act of performing the same act over and over and expecting a different result" ;)


Well-Known Member
Too True...

The afgani's are a bunch of backwards tribal people who mostly are illiterate. We are not there to help them out of the goodness of our hearts.


Well-Known Member
Too True...

The afgani's are a bunch of backwards tribal people who mostly are illiterate. We are not there to help them out of the goodness of our hearts.
Yeah you're there because the oil and armament companies pay for your Presidental campaigns. :)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member

they are going to take our money they steal from us to pay someone to protect THEIR country why does my tax dollars goes to someone not of this country? its total bullshit
Didn't you make posts on the California medical forum saying you were planning on moving to California, being unemployed, homeless, and living off of government welfare and planned on using your government cheese to buy your medical marijuana?

Fuck off with that "my tax dollars" bullshit dude. You actively plan on sponging off the system. You buy pot with MY tax dollars. Really not your place to get on a soap box.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Hey whats funny is that your tax dollars do not belong to you at all. They belong to the Federal Reserve. You and me are just leasing them.
He doesn't pay tax dollars, he receives them. He buys his bud with YOUR tax dollars.