My mom was being pyscho today!!!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
women get crazzie, you gota move out specialy if you dont get along n you gota get a job n if you can go to school for something that makes money so u wont live like a slave to modern day slavery... i mean you work just to eat n pay rent but no room for car payment insurance medical, dental, close, your retirement u got b smart n get THAT MONEY n then u can come n support my old ass hahaha that last part is a joke. :)


Well-Known Member
moms supporting her 18 year old daughter that doesn't even have a job..

You should be supplying her the belts.
I moved out when i was 18. I have had problems with my family since, but my family is a classic example of dysfunctional. Mostly my dad though, theres something wrong with that man. I dont know what it is, hes smart... has 3 majors and a PHD, worked for DHS for Child Safety but he couldn't keep a grasp on what reality is like. Being whooped with a belt so hard that i caused an 8x11" bruise on the side of my leg... because i made a D on a test that he tried to help me study for. Thats abuse. How about being told your stupid, incompetent, good for nothing and never going to amount to anything... everyday. Why? "Because your your mothers son! AND YOUR JUST LIKE HER!" To this day he rants and raves and eventually gets teeth gritting mad at me because of my mother and what she did to him.... 26 years ago. Which... she divorced him 26 years ago because hes this way... Your mother is normal, dont complain about being slapped or kicked around if its your fault and call it abuse when there are people that really do get abused and for no reason. I was taken by my mother to DHS numerous times through my childhood, they would send out a "detective", my dad would talk with them over coffee in the house and tell them about "the good ol days"(of child care safety) and tell them how much of a fuck up i am(was)... The person would always make a good report back to the agency.

So just change your tone, learn what really is going on and change your life. Tell your mother that your sorry for being a pain in her ass and ask what YOU can do to change that... Ask her to help you change your life, if you do this it will be a rocky road to recovery but its worth it. There will be relapses but such is life...


Well-Known Member
because its my home?? and its not this bad all the time, more like 10% or less of the time. i mean, we dont get along, but we dont end up screaming or yelling or getting physical most of the time. I dont work, and apartments are expensive in ca. and plus she got mad too cause i dont have a job....
No, it is her home, not yours. What you need is a job, an apartment and a roommate. No wonder your mom is pissed. I have to be honest. I would throw you out of the house. For your own good.


Well-Known Member
wtf is wrong with you people?? i just graduated, i have been looking for a job. how many grown ass men cant even get a job??


Well-Known Member
because its my home?? and its not this bad all the time, more like 10% or less of the time. i mean, we dont get along, but we dont end up screaming or yelling or getting physical most of the time. I dont work, and apartments are expensive in ca. and plus she got mad too cause i dont have a job....
Yea ya gotta get an income. Although you have every right to express your opinion, that opinion holds much less merit if you do not pull your own weight. Be a help and not a burden; things will improve.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
how do you buy weed without a job!?
18, smoking bud, no job, lives at home with mom.

my mom was cool with the weed as long as I was responsible and took care of my own shit.

but if i didn't work she would have kicked my ass out. and me and my mom are tight as fuck.
wtf is wrong with you people??
We are older and wiser. We have gone through what you have gone through and can see where you are headed. Just because you dont understand or think its unfair, doesnt mean it is. Thats why theres THIS saying, "Let them move out while they still know everything."


Well-Known Member
She is most likely very upset that her 18 year old daughter is sleeping her life away while sponging off of her. Parents want their children to succeed not be lazy.

I bet that if you woke up tomorrow and got out of the house to look for a job before she wakes up that she won't kick your ass. Give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
While there is no excused for violence or being belligerent, you have to see how not having a job exasperates the situation, and how getting a job would improve it. It's extremely difficult to change other's behavior, while relatively easy to change your own.

Perhaps your mother sees slapping you as the only way to give you a reality check. Still not excusable, but ultimately she is trying to get through to you, and to us it's pretty clear what she is saying.


Well-Known Member
so its fair my mom got to take her aggression out on me? its fair that my sister can talk to her how ever she wants and yet my mom lets her live here still, never lifted a hand to her??


Well-Known Member
She is most likely very upset that her 18 year old daughter is sleeping her life away while sponging off of her. Parents want their children to succeed not be lazy.

I bet that if you woke up tomorrow and got out of the house to look for a job before she wakes up that she won't kick your ass. Give it a shot.
dude it was 8 in the morning.... it wasnt noon when she woke me up. and i had planned on getting all my college paperwork done today... it wasnt like i had nothing planned


Well-Known Member
Life isn't fair. Is it fair that you live in her house and don't have a job? Is your sister older than you? Does she have a job?
I am 10 years out of the house and im still trying to grasp the concept that is human reality. It seems its always changing, sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. This economic situation we are in isnt helping with anything... AND I LIVE IN TX!!! The state that has created half the jobs since the recession! You dont even know what real life is kid. Im not being shitty with you, you just really dont know! lol

Yeah your mom got pissy with someone else, but then you woke up. I bet she said something like "I dont want to hear your shit today!" didnt she? LOL! Shes mad at other but HAS been mad at you... Even if she hasnt said anything before, your 18 with no job. Does your other siblings have jobs? Do they live at home? Is your mom a single parent?