My little babies!!


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking great now.
Be careful that the bigger stronger plants in the pots do not start to fight the smaller weaker ones for root space as this can retard them:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude! Well up until this point they are all looking equally big. I mean there is like 2 pots where all of them are a little small but thats only 2 pots and they are all small. But tomorrow will be day 4 of 12/12 so im hoping ill see some males within the next week or two :)


Well-Known Member
Well they are starting to show!! We got rid of one male today. All the other ones arent showing quite enough yet. But we cut it out below the soil and everything is fine :) I hope that was the only one, hehe. But there are a shitload that look like females. Just gotta wait and see i guess :-? But stay tuned, i should have more pics tomorrow. If i can get my camera to zoom enough ill get some pics of some of the suspected females and see what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
7 more girls!!! Found what are thought to be 3 males :( Thats ok, theres still like 22 left. Watered them today with a little more grow and bloom and started microblast and added some hydroguard. They should really be kickin ass tomorrow. And the 2 that we dug out about 3 weeks ago i brought home and put under 6 cfls. They have been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks and one is a female, the other is a male so thats ok i guess. Well, i would say the main grow will be showing for sure by monday or tuesday. Almost every one except for about 6 r 7 are females i believe. Their preflowers look alot different than the others. They have little balls or kinda a long thing with a ball on the end. The ones suspected to be females only have 1 on each side of the stipules and it is more ovule shaped. So, hopefully i will have a butt load of ladies. Ill have some more pics tomorrow maybe.


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much. I had alot of help from people here. That and i studied and read everything i could get my hands on for months and even now i read something every day. Im learning so much as this grow progesses. Check back monday night for more pics!


Well-Known Member
will check out ur next lot of pics, i do a lot of reading myself. have 2 plants (cheese) under 600w hps. coming on nicely abt 3 weeks into flower. will add pics soon. im very impressed with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Why thank you. I hope monday the buds will be showing enough for me to get some pics. My camera takes pretty good close up shots, just not super super close so it wont pick up the preflowers right now. But at the rate they are growing, they will be big by tomorrow. But they way its looking, it looks like about 20 out of 30 something plants are going to be female :) I hope so. Well, thanks everyone for everything. Oh, the 2 i brought in under the cfls are doing amazing as well. One is a male though :( Just letting it grow another day or 2 cause im putting it out at night to see if can get it to turn purple.


Well-Known Member
hey just got back from a work trip make sure u dont over nute during flower get an ec meter what ever cheep one u can find and start the flower ec at about 600 week one give alittle n for the first few weeks not much though apx 1.5ml per gallon to prevent all the leaves falling off trust me ive made the no N mistake pm me if ???


Well-Known Member
Umm we let them veg for exactly 4 weeks well i think it was more like 33 days. We wanted to keep them a little short, plus we are ready to start the silver pearl, jock, and durban poison. They were about 1-2ft when we switched to 12/12. Thanks for the concern butter. We are doing soil and EVERYTHING is organic. Its pretty hard to mess that up. Also the pH is kept between 6.2 and 6.5 it is allowed to get a little high now that they are flowering if it wants too :) My specieal treat, haha. If i see any signs that something is going wrong ill back off a little. But right now we arent giving any more than the highest recommended dose on the bottle. We got it figured out :) When i see the very tips start changing ill know im where i want to be. As of now, they havent started so im good. Thanks for the concern and if i need anything you bet your ass ill be PMing you :) Ill have some more pics up tomorrow. Im thinking about 20 something of these are gonna be female from the preflowers :-? We got rid of 2 males already with absolutely no problems, lets hope they all go that easy. And in the last 3 days of 12/12 they have all grew to almost the same height, they all caught up with the 2 huge ones (they are all about 2 1/2ft if i had to guess). They are reall realy enjoying that 12/12 and other nutes we are giving them. Welp, stay tuned everyone. More pics tomorrow! Thanks for the help and advice guys.


Well-Known Member
I know i could have let them veg for longer, but i was kinda worried about height due to how fast they were growing. I knew since i was gonna flower them for like 6 or 7 weeks i knew they would grow another 3ft or more so i was kinda watching out for that. Next time when i only have 12 or so plants and can bend them as needed i might veg for like 50 days or something. I hope vegging them for only 33 days wasnt a bad thing, was it? I know it would have been bigger had i done it longer, but there wont be any negative side effects right? The pics tomorrow will show how they have caught up with each other in a week. What is it about 12/12 that makes them grow super fast? I know the nutes we've been working in gradually up til this point (microblast, more pro-tekt, second dose of hydroguard, etc) has helped TREMENDOUSLY but this 12/12 is insane huh? Why?


New Member
They do look good fatal. Don't worry about negative comments. I know I have a prob' with them too but just do your thing and enjoy your grow.
Good job dude!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Plants are looking great now.
Be careful that the bigger stronger plants in the pots do not start to fight the smaller weaker ones for root space as this can retard them:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone. And we do dry out our soil good and i do mean GOOD! The soil pulls away from the pot before we water. The pots we have already cut some out of (and in 2 it has been close to 4 weeks now) are doing absolutely fine. Dude, roots arent going to rot in a matter of weeks, even if they do, its soil!!! Its not going to damage the other plants if tiny roots are in there. Its fine people please leave me alone please. Im trying to ask nice, i mean i really am. I thank you for your concern, but they are fine. Please, i know there is more than one per pot but please just stop. I dont want to get anything started, i just want everyone to enjoy this plant and grow big beautiful plants. I really dont need any help with the plant/ pot thing any more. Thank you, but please stop. And i tried to get some more pics but my camera died so i only got one. Anyways, here it is. Sorry it isnt very good, i was lucky to even get it. Ill try again tomorrow cause we are watering them so ill be able to pull them out.



Well-Known Member
Unfortunately some of the newer growth is a little on the yellow side. Its not yellow, but i can tell its yellowing. I know this is somewhat normal as they flower anyways, but I think now that they are bigger we are going to start giving a little more nutes and some nitrogen. We are also starting open sesame to get them going alittle faster and to help with the yellowing. Hopefully thats all it is. It makes sense though. They just started this when they really started taking off. I think they need more nutes than they did when they were little. There are like 3 per pot (as we already know :) ) so they are splitting what one plant should get between 3 (which we all knew would happen) so now ill add more so they can compensate. It is soil and im using organics so im not going to over nute and yes i know its possible in soil but they arent getting enough right now so im FAR from over doing it. If i notice any browning of the tips (greenhouse burn as its called which is a good thing cause it shows the plant has got all it wants) ill back off a little. Wish me luck!


Active Member
Thank you everyone. And we do dry out our soil good and i do mean GOOD! The soil pulls away from the pot before we water. The pots we have already cut some out of (and in 2 it has been close to 4 weeks now) are doing absolutely fine. Dude, roots arent going to rot in a matter of weeks, even if they do, its soil!!! Its not going to damage the other plants if tiny roots are in there. Its fine people please leave me alone please. Im trying to ask nice, i mean i really am. I thank you for your concern, but they are fine. Please, i know there is more than one per pot but please just stop. I dont want to get anything started, i just want everyone to enjoy this plant and grow big beautiful plants. I really dont need any help with the plant/ pot thing any more. Thank you, but please stop. And i tried to get some more pics but my camera died so i only got one. Anyways, here it is. Sorry it isnt very good, i was lucky to even get it. Ill try again tomorrow cause we are watering them so ill be able to pull them out.

Hey, i read your journal from the beginning and i know EXACTLY what your doing. All i said was to dry out your soil so the chance of root rot (even though it's slim in YOUR GROWS CASE) This is a step to prevent it even more.

But you do have impressive plants with an impressive growth rate, so kudos, or whatever this site uses