My Lil Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
I have decided against hooking both HID systems to one power strip, I don't think it would blow, but like we all say better safe than sorry. Thanks anyway.


Well-Known Member
High new on here :neutral:

Like the post and pics.

But that shelf looks a bit dodgy

2" by 2" frame screwed underneath shelf
and to the sides of unit.

That"ll do it. Im in this sort of work and just trying to help :blsmoke:
Yes, I did do away with the book shelf as a veg unit, just didn't work out. I believe I am gonna construct a 4x4 ft box to flower in. I think that sounds simple enough. Just a few 2x2's and a few 4x8 pieces of plywood, or a cheaper wood, whatever. and some screws and other trinkets should do it. Might take me a day to finish that, but being a stoner I'm a bit lazy to take on an additional project, but I will get around to it in the next couple of weeks before I start flowering.

And dave, I didnt quite follow what you were saying bout the 2" by 2". Can you elaborate please. And give me some ideas on how to design my flower box. That would be great.


Well-Known Member
First grow looking pretty good, keep up the good work my friend!
got all the right equipment and nutrients..


Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics for ya. Kinda shitty pics, but I been busy and tired lately. I will have some better ones soon. Everything is everything, and all is looking good IMO. Ain't much new, just watering them and feeding them every other day, and they been maxin unda the 400w MH, and the nice california sunshine we been having lately. Anyway, hope you like, let me know what you think for my first grow????



Well-Known Member
Thanx my friend. I'm doing my best, and it look like its paying off. I just hope there girls. I still haven't seen any signs of sex, at least not to my amateur eye. lol. And four of them are 4 to 5 weeks, and one is like 7 weeks, and the other two smaller ones, are about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks now. When should I see signs of sex? Or do I have to wait til I start flowering? I am getting anxious to switch them over, but don't know if they are tall enough yet. 5 of them are about a foot now, what you folks thing?


Well-Known Member
Thanx my friend. I'm doing my best, and it look like its paying off. I just hope there girls. I still haven't seen any signs of sex, at least not to my amateur eye. lol. And four of them are 4 to 5 weeks, and one is like 7 weeks, and the other two smaller ones, are about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks now. When should I see signs of sex? Or do I have to wait til I start flowering? I am getting anxious to switch them over, but don't know if they are tall enough yet. 5 of them are about a foot now, what you folks thing?
Mine are exactly 4 weeks 1 day and no signs of pre-flowers or anything from what I can see either...I'm not pos but I'm pretty sure what i see at the nodes is just new leaves developing...I've wanted to flower sooner than this but I keep getting greedy and let them go forever. In a way I kind of hope one becomes a male because I wont have enough room for both in all honesty...


Well-Known Member
That's just where I'm at TRIAL. Just looks like new growth at the nodes. But I am ready to flower and get my next batch goin. I kinda got a slow a rough start with this batch, and wana start off right and finish strong ya know. But shit is lookin good and I might as well make the best of what i got, and cross the next grow bridge when I get there. Ya dig. How tall are yours TRIAL?


Well-Known Member
That's just where I'm at TRIAL. Just looks like new growth at the nodes. But I am ready to flower and get my next batch goin. I kinda got a slow a rough start with this batch, and wana start off right and finish strong ya know. But shit is lookin good and I might as well make the best of what i got, and cross the next grow bridge when I get there. Ya dig. How tall are yours TRIAL?

One plant is roughly only 8 inches at its highest point and 11 inches wide at its widest with 8 future budsites/branches...

The other is about 9 inches tall and 10 wide with 8-9 main branches/future budsites.......

Never realized how short they still are hahaha. But they are bushy...I LST'd every single branch on one of them...check my grow to see the last post I did for a pic or 2..


Well-Known Member
Oh ok. I heard that. I wanted to top and fim all crazy but really didnt know what I was doing. Decided to wait for my 2nd grow to get fancy. lol. Mine are all just about 12 inches, and the two younger ones are maybe 5 inches. But they are all almost twice as wide as they are tall. Which is nice, plenty of bud sites, and more coming. But Ill check your babies out.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok. I heard that. I wanted to top and fim all crazy but really didnt know what I was doing. Decided to wait for my 2nd grow to get fancy. lol. Mine are all just about 12 inches, and the two younger ones are maybe 5 inches. But they are all almost twice as wide as they are tall. Which is nice, plenty of bud sites, and more coming. But Ill check your babies out.
Yeah I topped the 2 babies I got prob the 2nd week worked out sweet on one but on the other it kinda wasn't as promising....but it def promoted the bushing out factor.


Well-Known Member
Me too, I did just a few cuts like I had seen on this site. Didn't do too much cutting, but a lil bit and it worked out for the most part. But like you it kinda wasnt so promising on one, kinda was like cutting it for nothing. lol. But good luck and I hope they stay strong and healthy.


Well-Known Member
damnnnnnn yo shit pretty boss...keep doin ya

thang hot is it out there? yall be havin

wildfires and shit lol


Well-Known Member
Thx cuddy! I'm tryna my ninja. lol. Naw it aint been too hot out here. I mean it's been nice, but not too hot. We had a few lil fires down south near LA, but nuttin to serious. But we do got some wild fire out here. lol. Picked up some Mr. Nice from the club last night, dat shit is some fire, and it got some purple on it. Stay tuned.

I actually got my girls, on their 48 hour dark period, I'm gonna start 12/12 on friday morning. I'm hoping my girls show preflowers tomorrow when I get in there to turn that HPS on. We will see, and I'll post pics tomorrow. Peace folks


Well-Known Member
you still haven't seen any preflowers? - mine were showing at roughly week 5, and i was lucky enough to get 5 for 5 female. anyways keep up the work, update us, when you turn the sun back on.

peace bro


Well-Known Member
I couldn't wait any longer, I turned the sun on today, so they had 36 hours of darkness. I think that is adequate, I still have yet to see preflowers, not that I recognize at least. So, I guess I will see in the next week or so on 12/12. I'm hoping for the best, from the look of it, I think I have 3 for sure females, and two questionables, and one just dont know, and I say two are questionable because their characteristics are very different, they are much taller, and less bushy. Kinda like they are all head and shoulders. They just look more stout. But what do I know.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I couldn't wait any longer, I turned the sun on today, so they had 36 hours of darkness. I think that is adequate, I still have yet to see preflowers, not that I recognize at least. So, I guess I will see in the next week or so on 12/12. I'm hoping for the best, from the look of it, I think I have 3 for sure females, and two questionables, and one just dont know, and I say two are questionable because their characteristics are very different, they are much taller, and less bushy. Kinda like they are all head and shoulders. They just look more stout. But what do I know.
7 weeks and no sign of sex? That sucks. But going to flower now seems like a good idea. Looking at your last pics it looks like the tallest is maybe a little over two feet. You should end up with 4-5 ft tall plants so it's good you didn't wait too much longer. You will be astounded at how fast they grow in these first two weeks of flower. Looking good!!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you my friend. Yeah, maybe its just my newbyisms that I dont see signs of sex. But If it aint there it aint there ya know. But I been checking every day. My tallest plant is about 17 inches, and two others are right there with her, and two others are about 16 inches tall, and I have a younger one that is about 13 inches tall. But being that they are all bag seed, I kinda just wanna flower them to see sex, and clone from the females and weed out the males. I also germed six more seeds, and put them in rockwool. Got them incubating right now. So, I have my next batch up and coming. Hopefully it will be a smoother transition, with out the stunted growth. I feel like this first batch got off to a shaky start. I'll get some pictures and post them right now. Thanks for stoppin by. Stay tuned.