my lighting setup. (pics)


Well-Known Member
hi guys, i'm about to germinate in a few days and i'd just like to know if the following setups are correct, for their particular stages.

and i'd also like to know the on/off lighting ratio for a seedling/baby plant.
and what are 'fan' leaves. apparently it's good to remove while budding?...





Manny Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Use 24-0 or 18-6.....for your seedlings....

The fan leaves are your biggest leaves on the plant.....they are along the main stem.....they are you plant's solar collectors......DO NOT cut them off........move them out of the way if they are blocking light to a bud or something......good luck with your grow...


Well-Known Member
thanks man.
that's a great help.
does my setup look good, any mods i should do?
btw how come no one else has replied to my thread....

haha thanks, tom


Well-Known Member
you dont neccasarily need those cfl's if you have a 400w hps for one plant

plant more seeds, in case its a boy