My leafs are turning yellow!

Man onthe Moon

New Member
I've searched before and I don't have any item to check ph
it's not serious but it wasn't as yellow yesterday and I want to stop it before it gets any worse
the things that got me is that it used to be a healthy, rich green color BEFORE I added an extra CFL light.
Its only one plant under 2 32 and 26 watt cfl bulbs . I heard more was better?
Also it's been canoeing up a little bit , take a look

Btw more light is ALWAYS better. Eventually there is technically a point of overkill... But you're not gonna get there with cfl bulbs.. Lol. Being as I'm a noob myself all my advice should be considered hearsay, your leaves canoeing up sounds like they need more water... as when overwatered they canoe downward. But I've been told cannabis produces more thc and does better under a hotter dryer climate. Just like as with grapes the stress of the dry air brings out a more desired taste by wine producers.


Well-Known Member
There is NO hope for you if you don't monitor pH and ppm.........if you want good product in the end, there are some basics you must follow- one of them being making sure your pH is in range so all the nutrients can be absorbed. Obviously, you are out of range and therefore, are having problems which will continue to get worse. I'm also seeing purple stems.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Go to a drug store and ask them for some litmus paper so you can check the soils ph. I remember doing this in elementary school science class.


Active Member
Those need nitrogen. Some say you have to watch PH to the T. Others say it does not matter at all. Personally monitoring mine has worked great for me. If you can't get something to test PH maybe put growing on hold for a little while until you have more resources. Those are lacking Nitrogen. Not sure if they are locked out from bad PH or if you are not feeding enough. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
thats just discusting and a complete insult to this wonderfjll plant how about pissing all over your dinner and taking in some of those wonderfull ingredients yourself i just hope u dont actually sell your piss weed to anyone that comsumes it .

Ph? Hmm
I did a little research and came up on a silly trick that might work?
Mixing urine with water? Lol it does have that 7.0 range

Edit: nitrogen boost *

Man onthe Moon

New Member
Lol your soil already has warm crap, Cow crap, bone meal, etc
piss is just the lightest thing in that mix. Plus it won't taste like piss with all the water you need to dilute it


Well-Known Member
There is NO hope for you if you don't monitor pH and ppm.......
I dont believe that to be true entirely. And especially in soil. In fact I know it isn't. I've had too many quite successful grows without pissin around with all that PH stuff. Oh I'm sure it might be helpful for those that can afford a good reliable PH meter and thats what you need if your going to mess with it. I found out the hard way those low end meters that are mostly inaccurate can end up giving you far more problems than you bargained for.
I use a little dolomite lime along the way and have yet to have any major problems.


Well-Known Member
Oh after really looking at your plant i would say either you dont have an even mix or the plant cant use it for several reasons.
1. roots are covered in unused salts.
2. ph is way off.
the easiest and first thing to do is flush it with water if it holds 1 gallon in the pot use 1 gallon to of pure water distilled or ro to flush. then mix up nutes with another gallon of water and and flush with it. that will rinse all salts out and bring your soil back to a more stable ph level. All flush you plants every 3 weeks max. and most water is 7 from the tap so get a brita filter and use it. it will lower your ph .5 it did for me. and at 6.5 for soil your plants will love it.
Love and peace all.


Well-Known Member
As for pissing on your plants humm i dont have the facts to say either way let me research it.
Love and piss all. I mean Love and peace all. im stoned.


Well-Known Member
Okay this is gonna be long but wow all use piss the right way and save some money.
Can I use My Urine as a Fertilizer?

Sure you can. In fact Sweden has tested a full scale urine ‘recycling’ program. Among their findings they have discovered that urine is a complete fertilizer for farm use, lowers the environmental impact of wastewater, improves recirculation of the 3 main nutrients, and that the hygienic risks are negligible if handled properly. Nature has been making use of urine for centuries before humans had even mastered the art of agriculture. Animal wastes contain nutrients that plants needs, and in return they provide us with nutrients we need. It is a circle that has been broken only in recent years, but before you go using your pots as a urinal you will need to be aware of how to use your urine. DO NOT PEE DIRECTLY ON OR AROUND YOUR PLANTS. You will burn them. The following will detail everything that you need to know to be successful.

Use in Soil
Pure concentrated urine will burn your plants; it must first be diluted with water. Typically a ratio of 1 part urine to 10 parts water is effective. Some have gotten away with a slightly higher ratio on unusually hungry girls. It is recommended that you do not exceed 1:10, even though a nutrient burn with urine is rare, the smell can be unpleasant, and salts will build quickly, at higher concentrations. For younger plants start with a ratio of 1:20-1:30 and work your way up. As always do not fertilize germinating seedlings. Wait until the cotyledons (little round leaves) have fallen off before beginning any fertilizer regiment. Also it is not needed every water, every other or every third is sufficient. Let your plant do the talking, if she is a nice dark green then lay off a little, use a weaker solution and lower frequency, if she is getting on the yellow side then step up the strength a bit. Note: Urine can have a high salt content, depending upon your diet. I recommend that when you water with plain water, you allow some run off (approximately 1/8-1/4 volume of your pot) and toss it, this should rid your soil of excess salts.

Use in Hydro
About 8 ounces (1cup) for every 3 gall or reservoir water has been effective (thanks foto) but you should adjust according to your conditions, plant needs, and smell issues. The nitrogen in urine (ammonia and urea) must first be consumed by bacteria as food. The bacteria then store the nitrogen in the bacterial protoplasm. As the Bacteria die, they liberate the stored nitrogen as nitrate, sort of like a time release capsule, to be taken up by the plants. In soil this is no problem but in hydro setups there may not be enough bacteria culture to breakdown the urea and ammonia. Therefore it will be a good idea to drip your Res water through a porous material that can support a bacteria culture such as lava rocks, ceramic bio filter material, foam, sponge. It is up to you; it does not need to be fancy just able to support beneficial bacteria. This step may not be required if your root mass is large enough or if you have a trickle system through a porous medium like rockwool or coco. To get a good start on your bacteria culture you can get some bio-filter booster liquid from any aquarium shop. This liquid contains "good" bacteria that will help you develop a thriving population use as directed (usually a few drops per gal.)

Nutrient Levels (approximation, will vary according to diet)
Alanine, total ..... 38 mg/day
Arginine, total ..... 32 mg/day
Ascorbic acid ..... 30 mg/day
Allantoin ..... 12 mg/day
Amino acids, total ..... 2.1 g/day
Bicarbonate ..... 140 mg/day
Biotin ..... 35 mg/day
Calcium ..... 23 mg/day
Creatinine ..... 1.4 mg/day
Cystine ..... 120 mg/day
Dopamine ..... 0.40 mg/day
Epinephrine ..... 0.01 mg/day
Folic acid ..... 4 mg/day
Glucose ..... 100 mg/day
Glutamic acid ..... 308 mg/day
Glycine ..... 455 mg/day
Inositol ..... 14 mg/day
Iodine ..... 0.25 mg/day
Iron ..... 0.5 mg/day
Lysine, total ..... 56 mg/day
Magnesium ..... 100 mg/day
Manganese ..... 0.5 mg/day
Methionine, total ..... 10 mg/day
Nitrogen, total ..... 15 g/day
Ornithine ..... 10 mg/day
Pantothenic acid ..... 3 mg/day
Phenylalanine ..... 21 mg/day
Phosphorus, organic ..... 9 mg/day
Potassium ..... 2.5 mg/day
Proteins, total ..... 5 mg/day
Riboflavin ..... 0.9 mg/day
Tryptophan, total ..... 28 mg/day
Tyrosine, total ..... 50 mg/day
Urea ..... 24.5 mg/day
Vitamin B6 ..... 100 mg/day
Vitamin B12 ..... 0.03 mg/day
Zinc ..... 1.4 mg/day

approx 2 liters is excreted /day.


Well-Known Member
YW but i wont use piss on my indoor plants. Outdoors sure why not. I just wanted the truth out.
Love and Peace