My kick ass 400w grow tent setup w/ waterfarm


Well-Known Member
Ill throw a few pictures up here for now or I'll never get started.

I ordered a few strains and germinated: White Widow, Endless Sky, AF Haze x Skunk, Critical Mass, and some bag seeds.



All the seedlings in the daisy cloner will mysteriously die? :roll:

I lost my White Widow seedlings, blah blah blah, Now Im left with 6 seedlings (3 bag seedlings, 2 AF Haze x Skunk, and 1 Endless Sky)


Wow the leaves really turned a deep shade of green. I think they went into a bit of shock when I moved them from the cfl lighting to the 400w MH. I have the light as far away as possible. I accidently let some of the nute solution splash onto the leaves and now I have some yellowing on a few of the spots where it landed. Im learning a lot as I go. I just hope I have some decent smoke for my hard work.


I cant believe how fast they're growing! The bag seeds are out performing all the other strains. They also appear to be an Indica dominant. I started to soak some more seeds for round 2. I have some feminized seeds this round. Blueberry, Sweet Tooth, and Laughing Buddha. Ill also try a few more White Widow seeds. I have another tent for 6 more plants. This should be interesting. Ill keep it up to date with lots of pretty pictures! Comments welcome


Well-Known Member
Sucks that you lost the widows man. But you have a nice setup there and your plants look healthy so dont worry about it to much. Im growing some skunkxhaze and am very interested in what your will look like. Mine are probably a couple days younger than yours, I wonder if they will look similar.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man....I like my water farms a lot....Real easy for drain and fill....Each one has it's own air pump so I don't have to worry about a pump failure killing my other plants....:)


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04/05/08 (Week 2)

Some new photos, I'm so impressed with this drip bucket system. It's just the right size for what I want to do. I plan on flowering my clones when they are about 10 inches tall. If it works the way I'm hoping I will have a sea of green. What a sight of beauty. I cant wait, but the view is getting better every day. Here take a look.



Well-Known Member
Some new seedlings that I just put into the other grow tent. I have a 12 bucket system on a 20+ gallon reservoir divided into two tents of 6 buckets. Works great once you get the hang of it.

Yea Im really sad about the widows, I tried to sprout some more but all 3 of the widow seeds were a bust. My garden is getting full anyhow, but I could always get another grow tent. I have two in my 5'x5' closet and one HomeBox small or some thing like that. Anyway it's not good for doing much more than keeping plants in a vegatative state under a cfl. I just want to keep a few good moms on hand for clones. On second thought I better not spend anymore money on another grow tent. I have broke my budget for 6 months on this project. Im just such a pot head, I will recoup my money by simply not having to buy any smoke. That should save me some big bucks over a year or two or three, lol.

simple grower

Well-Known Member
man you wanna take sum cuttings off that 1 at the end there,she looks pretty tough,also wouldnt mind knowing....were those just cloning tubs the first ones? cant you just grow in them as well? maybe a bit less stress on ya girls moving them? were they a aero container? i noticed ya growing in 3 diffrent tubs thats all cheers


Well-Known Member
man you wanna take sum cuttings off that 1 at the end there,she looks pretty tough,also wouldnt mind knowing....were those just cloning tubs the first ones? cant you just grow in them as well? maybe a bit less stress on ya girls moving them? were they a aero container? i noticed ya growing in 3 diffrent tubs thats all cheers
Yea on that plant Im waiting for the lower branch to get a few days older. Then Im going to cut and clone it. Once it roots I'll just flower the parent plant, keep the clone vegging to take more clones. Plus that will give some time for the stragglers to have there burst of growth. Im still waiting, they seem like they are about to take off. I accidently confused Tiger Bloom with Big Bloom and made a major screw up. I think that's what killed all the seedlings in the daisy cloner. I caught the mistake within hours but it still burnt off some leaves and stunted some of the plants. They are looking better everyday. Im anxious to start the 12/12 light cycle already. I know that 2/3 of the growth awaits me and I'm in a limited space. It's my first grow in more than 10 years and I dont expect perfection (yet). I just want to see some buds and when the largest plant is ready to flower they are all going to flower. The last thing I want is to have the plant get out of control when it's full of buds. Live and learn. I just wanted to say thank you RollitUp! Great place you got here.

You could grow in the aero container but the room for error is minimal. It hasn't got much water in it, but in theory it would work. I tried growing in it once and decided that i had better results without it, water spraying on the roots non stop was stressfull to the plant after week 1. Im not going to use it again until Im ready to make some clones. It make a much better temporary home than a long term home.


Well-Known Member

These are from bag seed, outdoor grown stuff

My only surviving Endless Sky seedling is doing much better. As long as it's a girl it won't matter that there is only one.

My feminized seedlings (2 Blueberry, 1 Sweet Tooth, 1 Laughing Buddha)

I have 3 critical mass seedlings that just poked and only 2 spots left in the garden. I hope I don't have to choose between them. Maybe 1 will be a runt and save me the grief of having to pick. More picks to come...


Well-Known Member
White Widow's last chance. I germinated my last 4 WW seeds that I got from BCBud Depot. The seeds are probably the worst I received from 3 purchases from different seed banks. I have heard bad things about BCBudDepot. I was shocked when I got my package and thought maybe its just a people talking shit. But I wont order again from them. The seeds are inferior in quality. So here it is, WW's last chance

4/07/08 (Day 16)

I'm in love with my plants. I just want to sit there and be with them. Make note to self. Go out and get laid. Its not healthy to develop a relationship with your plants.

One of my AF Haze x Skunk

My Endless Sky from Dr Green Thumb

This Home Box Small is perfect for keeping plants in a vegatative state. One of my friends came over, he doesnt know I grow. He didnt even ask what it was, but I just threw out there that it was a wardrobe box for some of my clothes that I cant fit in my closet. ;-)

Here are 3 not 2 Critical Mass seedlings. I was wrong in one of the last posts. Along with my Laughing Buddha feminized.

Once I have my moms picked out they will live here in the HomeBox S tent using the DWC bucket system. I will keep them in a perpetual veg state. But since my 400W grow tents arent full, Im using the MH conversion bulb to get the most growth out of them. But eventually the 400w will be switched over to an HPS bulb and it will be a flowering room full time. I cant wait until I have my super moms picked out. I have enough room to keep around 6 moms all of different strains. I like a little variety. I plan on flowering two of each strain each harvest.

Looks like Im not going to get the Sweet Tooth or the White Widow to germinate. They started to crack and I put them in the rockwool but I think they are duds. Ill keep em until I need the space then they go to Mary Jane heaven. Besides I have my last 4 WW seeds soaking now, if these dont work It doesnt look like Ill get to try out the WW. All my WW seeds were crap. I got two out of 12 to germinate :-(


Well-Known Member
4/08/08 (17 days old) Why are the other plants so slow to grow? Or is that not slow for 17 days and the others are crazsy fast?

The new seedlings (day6) have almost outgrown my dwarf AF Haze x Skunk plant.

New $22 toy I got today in the mail. It's a light meter. I'm not sure how much I my plants should get. I think its ok, but the directions didnt have a table for marijanua lighting needs. Go figure?

Should have some progress to report on my last 4 WW seeds that Im germinating. Only two sprouted tails and Im going to wait until they are begging for the rockwool before I put them into their pre soaked ph adjusted cube.


Well-Known Member

I cant believe how fast some of these plants are growing. The mystery bag seed strain is impressive, next in line is the Endless Sky strain which did a very cool thing and is now throwing out leaf doublets. You can see it in the photo if you look, its the plant in the right bottom corner of the picture. As far as the two runts, those are AF Haze x Skunk, I think I know why they were freebies. I dont think they are going to make it to mother status. There so small and slow growing. But this is so exciting anyway!



Well-Known Member
Nice man, im going to be watching this. The different grow rates is really trippy, id like to know also why that is, i think you might be right, just crazy grow genetics with the others. Ahh! The wonders of bag seed! I have a whole collection im starting, some big some small, some black some grey and somestriped. I cant wait to see the variations in phenos and strains come out. Maby there more hungary? i dont know, this will be my second grow so i couldnt help you out to far, thats my only guess, spoil those little bitches. Or maby, sad to say, those monsters are a bunch of cock sucking males.


Well-Known Member
They are all on the same reservoir. I have triple checked everything, all the plants are getting identical treatment. Some stats:

18/6 light schedule, 400w MH conversion bulb, HTG 20"x36"x64" grow tent
Waterfarm drip system, w/ approx 20 gallon reservoir
PH 5.6-5.8
Nutes Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom PPM 1100 (following instuctions to the T)
Temp 78-86 (range over 24 hours with lights out)

In a few days I'm going to take my first clones. I think once I have the clones rooted I will flower the parent plants. I want to see some buds! That way i can keep a potential winner in a veg state to use for the next generation


Active Member
nice grow, good luck.. if you dont mind me asking.. what are those round grey tubes around your plants and what is their function.. thanks..


Well-Known Member
Those round grey tubes around each plants is where the water drips out. The round things have holes drilled along the bottom side for water to come out. The water or nute solution bubbles up from an air hose, kinda like an aquarium.


Well-Known Member
Dam I just checked on my seedlings from the other tent and I think they are all dead!!! ARghh! You know what did it? My stupidity but more accurately it was a spray bottle of water. I misted the dam things 2 hours before lights out last night. Today they were crispy. :-( I will never spray my plants with water again. How stupid am I? Dam, Dam, I guess Ill start some more seedlings? OR maybe that was a good thing that happened? Now I can make clones and I will have a place to flower them right away. I think that's what Im going to do. Oh well I guess things have a way of working themselves out. Two of them are still standing so Ill put them in the hospital dome for a while. Maybe they will recover, but Ill be lucky to get two out of the four, and even then they will be all injured and shit.




Well-Known Member
This is what they look like now. My poor Blueberry plants. :-( The Sweet Tooth and Laughing Buddha are in slightly better shape but I dont know if they are about to collapse or not?
