My Introduction, COME SAY HI!!!


just joined the forum today. started my first grow about 21 days ago. i know there is an introduction section to the forums, but this area clearly recieves the most traffic, and i wanted as many people as possible to reply. criticism is welcomed and appreciated.

back story - i've been wanting to grow my own weed since i was like 14-15, when i first started smoking. finally the day has come where im in the positio to do so, so i went for it. my total setup cost was about 350$ (100$ of that went to shipping costs alone, cause apparently NJ has like 1 hydroponic store, and it didnt have everything i needed)

ok so...

clone area - (2) 23W cfl
production area - (1) 105W cfl and (4) 23W cfl's

i removed my range hood over my stove and mounted the 105W, and (4) 23W on it, free reflector+exhast fan...i was proud of myself when i thought of this lol

medium : rapid rooter plugs, rockwool 3x3x2, and hydroton

basically a deep water culture system using 5gal buckets

im working on getting some norther lights and purple haze clones from my wifes uncle(he grows too). but for now the 2 plants i have growing are from a bag of dirt weed i had lying around. figured i'd give them a go

check it out and tell me what you think

7 days growth

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14 days growth

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Well-Known Member
looks good brother welcome to RIU and keep it up +rep for the hood!! And just cause it was shwagg you got your seeds from doesnt mean its going to be shwagg !! I've gotten some really dank smoke from bagseed


Well-Known Member
you might want to add some more cfl if possible , try to mix your spectrums in veg blue cfl's 6500k and red 2700k then when you switch to 12/12 off you want more red spectrum the 2700k . Hows your temps and RH? you might have to add a fan in the mix to IMO


Well-Known Member
Haha loving the hood, now thats using your noggin. I'm lookin forward to seeing your progress, welcome!


looks good brother welcome to RIU and keep it up +rep for the hood!! And just cause it was shwagg you got your seeds from doesnt mean its going to be shwagg !! I've gotten some really dank smoke from bagseed

thanks, quick question for the community, what is the best way to maximize yield, i read up alot on super cropping, topping etc. whats the best way to go?


you might want to add some more cfl if possible , try to mix your spectrums in veg blue cfl's 6500k and red 2700k then when you switch to 12/12 off you want more red spectrum the 2700k . Hows your temps and RH? you might have to add a fan in the mix to IMO
2 of the 4 small cfl's are 2700k, i figured i'd go primary light 6500k, 2 2700k and 2 6500k secondary lights then switch to 4 2700k secondary lights as i transition to bloom, and eventually end up with all 2700k, as to not stress the plant too much, i hear theyre very very easy to stress during flowering

as far as my temp goes 99% of the time im right at 78-79 degrees, and my humidity is 45%(thanks to my homemade dehumidifer(bucket with charcol) lol)

fan is right behind the camera 15inch oscillating

what is RH? not really hip to the lingo :-)


and for the bucket of charcoal how does that work, how much charcoal and just plain curious?
depends on the size of the room, if you google it, all the info is right at your using a 5 gal bucket, filled it about half way(more then i needed in a room thats aboout 10x8(bathroom)...but basically the charcol just soaks up the moisture in the air, my half bucket will last 2-3 months, and even after you switch out the charcol, its still perfectly usable in a grill, dank weed and burgers my fav!!!

take 2-3 days for you to see a noticable difference in the humidity, best if its placed right in front of a fan so that it gets to soak moisture from all of the air in the room

now if youre looking for something more permanent, try a bucket full of rock salt, with little holes drilled in the bottom with a resivoir under it, the water in the air will actually get soaked up by the rock salt then drain out the bottom, into the resivoir. both systems beat the hell out of buying a $200+ dehumidifier


Well-Known Member
Haha loving the hood, now thats using your noggin. I'm lookin forward to seeing your progress, welcome!
I've have a new range hood I got from a friend but never installed. I think I'll mount it over my clone bucket. As a DIY buy this idea is right up my alley. It's not always about how much amount of money you spend on your set up. In my opinion it's achieving the same results as the big boys do and do it for far less money, by using things you have on hand and doing it yourself. +rep