My grow room setup - Your opinion?


Well-Known Member
Thanks 40. No I'm not American. Anyway I'm hoping the Ices wont grow that much if they do I'll be forced to top. The lights are movable as you saw in the vid they are on a bar that I move up as the plants grow taller. Looks like I'm just going to start flowering now and forego the additional 2 weeks remaining to complete the 12 week vegging stage. I dont think I'm gonna gain that much anyway.

Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
I feel that some of them will be awfully tall at that point. And light penetration will be weak. Can you move your lights up and down at all?

If you can, i would top them, Or sog them(which I think is best). Need to figure out sex. I will think and let you know.
Going out to but some pots and invert them and put the plants on top to get the short plants higher up for better light penetration. Will keep you posted