My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Hey guys finally got around to takin some pics of my girl. She didnt start off to well. She was stunted awhile back because she was in too small of a pot, was to small to put outside and it was to cold out. I didnt even think it was going to survive, but I just kinda left it there, didnt really water it as much as it should have been from the start. I also decided to do some experimenting with this plant, when it was really small I super cropped it and topped it. It was looking pretty crappy after that, but once the weather started getting nicer the new growth coming out of it looked really good, and where I super cropped it, there was a knot starting to form. Also where I topped it there was two new heads.

Once she started looking better, there was a bit of stunted growth, which was prob because it was in such a small planter, so I dug a hole around 2 feet by 2 feet and filled it back with the native soil, mushroom compost, perlite, vermiculite, and some sand. I transplanted her into her new home, and she started to grow....


mushroom head

Well-Known Member
By the way this is my first grow ever. Seeds where bag seed. Few days ago I trimmed up all the weak looking branches/shoots around the base of the plant, so it will put its energy into the tops. I feed her once a week with compost tea. For my compost tea i use a 2 litre pop bottle, fill 3/4 with rainwater, add handful of garden soil, handful of compost, handful of fresh grassclippings, pinch of epsom salts, and a tablespoon of alfalfa meal, which i let bubble in a dark place for 2 days, then strain through a cheesecloth, and add 1 teaspoon of blackstrap unsulphured molasses, then let bubble for one more day, and then mix half and half with rain water and feed early the mourning before sun rise, and hit the bong. I have recently started adding less alfalfa meal to the tea and less grass clippings, and once my high P bat guano arrives i will start adding that to the tea.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thanks alot! Do you guys think she will finish though? First frost is suppose to be September 10th i think which is roughly 7 weeks away. I think she looks a bit more indica than sativa to me, what do you guys think?

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Lots of rain which means where getting rid of alot of moisture which I hope means a longer growing season, I want this baby to finish! Its so exiting for this to be my first grow, seeing how everything grows. How it startings growing preflowers, stretching, and the nodes start alternating, its so cool. I didint really think my first plant would be doing this good, as this is my first time really growing anything besides a bean plant in like gr.3.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Today I head my normal tea brewing, and smelt it, and it had a really funky smell, damnit. So I guess that means ill have to dump it and start over, I dont wanna feed my girl with something that could harm her. Ill get new pics up soon, shes been growing lots. It looks like a marijuana bush!

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Today I dumped out the tea, and started it over. She need a watering today though, so last night I bubbled a gallon of rainwater with a tsp of molasses and a pinch of epsom salts and watered today, shes lookin good! Been stretching alot, id say shes in full out flower now. I have also found a few balls before, and picked them off when they were smell, I see 2 more I think, ill wait till there bigger though like I did the other ones to make sure they are balls. Ive been watching her like a hawk and making sure no more balls appear, so far not many have, lets hope it stays that way.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Yes bat guano finally arrived! My tea was just done brewing today, which I did add a 1/4tsp of the banana powder too. I added a 1/2tsp of the bat guano and bubbled for a few more hours then watered my girl. We will see how she reacts.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Hail storm came in last night. Finding fan leaves on the ground, broken branch, tomatoe plant laying ontop of her. Going to get the tomatoe plant off and see how she recovers, mother fucker.
sorry to hear about the hail storm ... i lost about 50 clones last year because of the same shit .. cant trust these canadian summers
Fuck im glad we didnt get anything like that weather wise around here in ontario
Ur girl is looking great hopefully its ok...


Well-Known Member
If you are worried about it not finishing, you can make like warmth walls around it to extend the season a bit . But honestly i wouldnt worry about that, she is looking good and it will give you a decent amount of bud . But i think thos AACT teas are doing there job lol

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Today she is lookin good! Was so bright/hot/humid today it was nuts. Chance of hail storms for a couple of days though. Ill get some new pics up soon. Ive noticed a shitload more pistils popping up everywhere, a few of the older ones are turning more orange. And all the new growth coming out of the main branches are showing preflowers and staggered growth too, she is full out bloom! Today I noticed she has stretched quite a bit, I have stopped tying her down all the time though. And will not tie her down anymore than she is.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Forgot to say ive also started feeding with all of the compost tea, not half the tea. First frost is around 6.2 weeks and counting.....