My friend gave me his aeroharden space saver


Active Member
he gave it to me 2 weeks after buying it cause him and his girlfriend broke up, so he didnt have aplace to keep it so he just gave it to me.
its has all the parts, and a aquarium pump.
from what i gathered i need a lamp timer and airstoned and im set to go or what?
sorry if people already posted shit like this i just didnt feel like looking at every tread.


Well-Known Member
well no offense but u should read it all and figure out what fits ur grow best...

if you want you dont have to get anything else...


Well-Known Member
he gave it to me 2 weeks after buying it cause him and his girlfriend broke up, so he didnt have aplace to keep it so he just gave it to me.
its has all the parts, and a aquarium pump.
from what i gathered i need a lamp timer and airstoned and im set to go or what?
sorry if people already posted shit like this i just didnt feel like looking at every tread.

your going to need more lights, does it have any of the nute tabs? you should take a look at the aerogarden guide thread


Active Member
[quote="SICC";2100077]your going to need more lights, does it have any of the nute tabs? you should take a look at the aerogarden guide thread[/quote]

yeah he gave me all the nute tabs, yeah im reading now.

anyways miller high life rules


Well-Known Member
so i just bought a 4in airstone. how am i suppose to put it in there? is it suppose to be on the side or what?
I was able to fit a 10 inch airstone in my res.

I think with a 4" you'd have to put the suction cups on the legs of the ag pump.

Alright well someone sent me a PM asking how I got my 10" airstone to fit, so I thought I'd post it here too.

I made this simple diagram that kind of shows how its in there, I will post some photos of it next time I clean my res out.

My pump hose is fed up through one of the grow holes into a piece of cardboard with a circular hole cut in it to securely fasten the tubing.

The key is to angle the suction clips on the part of the ag thats kind of rounded, as long as they clip onto the airstone and secure it thats fine.

You can also take this idea even further and put some smaller airstones vertically on the sides, which I might try to do sometime.



Active Member
so i bought a bigger one and does anyone have a video or something of what the bubbles are suppose to look like. to me it looks like the bubbles are more without the air stone


Well-Known Member
Yea IDK if that sponge one is going to work, you need some way to mount it.

I also have no idea what the pump setup in a ss6 looks like, but you want to use the AG pump and an EXTRA airstone with another external pump. You don't replace your ag pump with that airstone.

If you bought a 10" one, you can probably cut it in half, just mess with it until you have it suctioned on there.


Well-Known Member
use like a screw driver or something, your just making a hole for the roots to follow down into the water