My first real indoor grow


Well-Known Member
I've heard about doing that to stimulate the stems to get stronger, but you really want a good fan to not only strengthen the stems but also to stimulate the flow of co2 around the leaves because if the air is not moving enough around the leaves the air around your leaves becomes stale with co2 and can't absorb oxygen.


Well-Known Member
I've heard about doing that to stimulate the stems to get stronger, but you really want a good fan to not only strengthen the stems but also to stimulate the flow of co2 around the leaves because if the air is not moving enough around the leaves the air around your leaves becomes stale with co2 and can't absorb oxygen.
Thats all the fan is really for is to move the air.The set up I have the fan can't hit them all to simulate wind so I just give them a lil shake and keep the fan going to move air.


Well-Known Member
All are growing pretty good.Noticed I have a odd ball that has non symmetrical nodes,is this normal?Instead of one branch coming out on both sides there is just one.Also Some odd looking new growth.Plants are healthy just some odd balls lol.

And now for pics I'll point out the odd ball.



Well-Known Member

Also took a few pics of the Stealthhydro set up.I need to get some 2foot dual lights the CFL's that came with it are causing them to lean toward the center.Also easier for me to get the lights closer to the plants.



Well-Known Member
The odd plant isn't shown very well so I'll just take a single pic of it later and post it.The one plant has two little brown/yellow spots on the leaf.Think a little plant food I sprayed burnt it a little bit,I rinsed it off and should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Got word earlier that the house across the street is hot.I overheard a convo at neighbors the the owner was telling his renters about a cop buddy saying "how they know all about the front house".There are two houses one in front the other across street.I knew the boy was selling but I thought he had half a brain.Apparently he has 10-15 different vehicles come by for no more than 10 minutes everyday.Out here in the country stuff like that is noticed.

Got all the evidence here packed up to best of my knowledge except the plants.Debating if I'm just gonna call this round over and take them out into the woods and let nature take over.Don't think he would but boy might snitch cause he knows I was selling also.Still early for flowering but seems more worth it to take some good,healthy plants out to the woods let nature take over and know i'll get something rather than take chance of boy getting popped and taking me with him.

Anybody know what can be used at evidence?Just in case I get a early morning search warrant I wanna know what all I'll need to make gone.

The only way to get a cultivation charge is if "PLANTS" are found right?
I also found that A conviction for manufacturing marijuana must include proof that the marijuana was being grown for a purpose other than the grower’s personal use.Wonder what can be considered personal.I mean considering some people smoke all day everyday 12 plants could be personal for the next year lol.
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Well-Known Member
Honestly 12 plants still doesn't seem like a ton of plants to me. Not only that it sounds to me like "you" are not an issue, whether you've sold in the past or have a couple plants now. The issue that people are noticing seems to be this terd across the street from you who is not too smart with his sales. Not only that a search warrent is kind of a hard thing to get these days, and I can pretty much guarantee that one can't be given for some kid getting got selling bud and then saying "the guy across the street used to do it too!" whether you do it or not it sounds like nobodies noticed you except some other pothead who doesn't even notice the police who are watching him. Not only that, if a police officer comes to your door you are not even required to answer the door! And if a police officer "does" come by and wants to search your house make sure he "presents you the warrant!" right then and there or request that he come back with a warrent first, you legally do not have to let a police officer into your house, in fact if you really want legally you can answer through the door and never even open the thing, "unless they have a fully signed legal warrant." I wouldn't worry man, I would say 12 plants can be personal, and maybe it is for the next year, that seems like a viable excuse to me, you can preserve pot for super long, why not grow a years worth at once rather than growing a few bushes every few months? Like the pics of the bubbleponics, everything else is lookin smooth! Keep up the good work! On the fan I think you're probably okay with the low flow fan for the first month but once you go into flowering you ought to get a bit more powerful fan than you can adjust the speed on, I was using a weak fan early on and use 3 fans on full power now.


Well-Known Member
Well nobody has actually noticed me selling.I like to think I'm smart enough not to get caught.Not a lot of traffic all day,people that do come over stay for a hour or so and I only deal with like 5 people.Someone they know wants something then they can get it for them.
He found out after my god daughters mom had me sell a bag to her step sister who just happened to know the guy across the street and she opened her mouth(she cut her own throat.I no longer do business with her.Bet she won't run her mouth in the future)
Hopefully if anything is planned they will hold off for a while.I been planning to get a motion sensing camera system to watch for anyone sneaking around the house at night.Not hard to sneak around houses out here in the country.I'm up most of the night due to insomnia(nice big bong hit been helping but usually I just end up staying up stoned out my mind)so would be good to have some night vision cameras so I can see if anything is coming around.

Probably all just rumors but in the mean time I've shut down shop.Got everything but the plants hidden in waterproof containers well back in the woods.If people are in need it's O's or nothing.

Now for some new pics.Raised the lights a little bit and the plants took off again lol.The hydro plants are really growing.Hydro really is amazing.Only problem I had is one fo the plants is falling over so I propped it up hoping the roots will take hold good and it'll straighten up
As for my plants with the odd growing leaves,I think it was the heat form the lights.They are all still growing fine but the leaves look weird.



Active Member
if your gonna branch out into hydroponics dont grow in dirt grow in a soilless mix (not miracle grow) because you will have to be in charge of delivering the nutes it gets you accustomed to the plants reactions to different things this is how i got started and not to brag. but i have harvested a shit-ton of high grade hydroponics (not just weed i got serious bout it) and this is a surefire way to get you started to having a super duper green thumb a-ron-a-non-a thon

p.s. do it! do it! you know you wanna.... itll make you learned in the ways of ganja growin good yessss.


Well-Known Member
if your gonna branch out into hydroponics dont grow in dirt grow in a soilless mix (not miracle grow) because you will have to be in charge of delivering the nutes it gets you accustomed to the plants reactions to different things this is how i got started and not to brag. but i have harvested a shit-ton of high grade hydroponics (not just weed i got serious bout it) and this is a surefire way to get you started to having a super duper green thumb a-ron-a-non-a thon

p.s. do it! do it! you know you wanna.... itll make you learned in the ways of ganja growin good yessss.
I'm using the stealth hydro system right now.And it's definitely the way to grow lol.It's caught some of my slower dirt grown plants in like 3 days(the dirt plants are like 3 weeks old).Next time I'll probably start some plants indoors to get them good and strong then transplant outdoors.AS for the hydro now that I can see all there is to it I'll build a better system myself.I saw all the threads on how to make them but I'm a visual learner I have to see all angles and stuff otherwise it'll never come out right.

I've already got a few ideas on how to improve on the current widely used designs.For those that have plenty of land...wait till you see my ultra stealth grow room idea.Shouldn't cost more than a few hundred bucks(lil over $1,000 to make it perfect) and it will be a completely self contained and hidden outdoor grow room.Essentially a bomb shelter grow room.With a swamp cooler exhaust to hide any heat signatures.It's gonna be fun lol.


Active Member
sounds like it, i know a couple that actually has adobe huts with solar powered irrigation and stuff its really cool, wish i had the money for that haha


Well-Known Member
Time for a update.I jumped the neighbors shit about all the obvious traffic and to tone it down which he has.Still has me paranoid so I've decided to keep all my plants outdoors but the 5 in my hydro system.This way if I do get raided I can say I was growing personal and just take a possession charge and keep the real stock hidden in the wilderness lol

Now for the pic updates....
Look close in two of the pics.I topped them and made them split but the leaves were so big they started to lay flat on the ground so I took a lil twisty tie and made a lil C and slid it around to hold them upright.Worked perfect.Looks like a slingshot now.
