My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!

got popped by the po po. just kidding.

i dont know why either
while we were doing the g house today a helicopter flew right above my house and banked. like i could see the numbers on it it was a police chopper lol no big deal. he circled and flew away. they flew over yesterday witha light searching for somebody so its no big deal but it was odd. lol he saw us probably
ok just finished putting the last 40 zip ties on the side. plastic is 100% secure and done. now on to the walls once we buy the rolls. helicopter flew over again and banked over my yard. 2nd day in a row he did that. hope i dont have hassles from the law. im not doing anything wrong.


Well-Known Member
off till the 10th.... long story.. more work on my back.. but .. I get to watch some more football.. since i wont be working sundays for a few weeks :)
is anybody familiar with hydrofarm sunburst hps hood?
my friend chose a 150 hps over a better light for the same price. in a lil enclosed space with no fans. hes going to be set up for failure without a fan at least i said. i should refer him to this site but they dont have a comp.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=888&bih=602&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=11429708830879762936&sa=X&ei=S1l5TvWFJ7PZiAK2pKG3Dw&ved=0CDwQ8wIwAQ


Well-Known Member
Blueberry :)

So it was white berry and Dj short blueberry ? :leaf::leaf:

Done Cloningaround : :leaf: A riding friend gave me this 400 watt for a nice trade. Out with the T-8 and in with the 400. He all so gave me about 20 different single bag seeds he's been saving. Space Queen,Straberry Kush,GDP,white Rhino,Ochizzel, NYC diesel,Blueberry and some others.:-P Probably won't have time to grow them for awhile.

Heres the new plants under 12/12: Super silver,Landrace,tripple berry,Querkle.:leaf:

The Querkle.:hug:

Thanks Alota for your help. The DJ short is looking like a champ. The white berry is still drooping on me. Still fine though. Jozi, That Hindu clipping took off like a champ.Can't even tell any more that it was in a wet paper towl> Im so stoked to have one. Compliments of Bongs and Goped and of Alota of course but Jozi was the one who clipped us a new girl. I can't wait to see the two different Hindus together in Flower to see if theres a differeance. I like the Hindu.:leaf: :hug:


Well-Known Member
I like hindu as well cant wait to try the final product! Those pictures look good TWS. Really makes me wanna step up the indoors a bit. In time. Those seeds you got sound bomb!! I was talking to luger he wants to make dry ice has he wants to chill so i will throw andrew his number. Gona be getting the walls soon for the green house! Gona be another fun time haha!

I keep forgetting to pm tyler lol. I want more clones! haha I will take some pictures of the cotton candy shortly : )
hey dudes. talked to robin and he said hes down to buy a ph meter soon. so i am looking for a the best deal on a decent meter. i heard from jozikins hanna and milwaukee sucks and you get what you pay for. but those were 40-50 bucks.i found this cheap hanna meter for 26.should we buy this or is it a must to buy an expensive better brand? i used a hanna before and it worked great for the months i had it, but then the idiot neighbor and i dropped it into the water and ruined it. was only 60 too.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ion=1&biw=888&bih=640&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16206280931021298183&sa=X&ei=Am96TtP3L8XliALMu-GnDw&ved=0CKcBEPMCMAU

if that one sucks then here is the link to meters between 40-80
please pick one that you think is the best out of that price range.,ppr_min:40,ppr_max:80&sa=X&ei=Am96TtP3L8XliALMu-GnDw&ved=0CMUBEMEJKAE&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=69462e20d655e4e7&biw=888&bih=640&ion=1
somebody on another thread i started ( reccomended an oakton meter. its about 50 on amazon.

hey alota, how we check the ph of the run off? is it a good idea to? just let the water drain into a saucer and test that ph? i heard people do that. i've only ever checked the water and the nutrient solution.

and is it important to check the ph of the soil too with a soil probe? isnt it a lil late to fix the ph of the soil the plants are in now if its off? i know should have checked the ph while mixing it. but is it really essential to check the soil ph itself? i know thats what lime is added for to adjust ph.
yup but over time the ph can get off. thats what im wondering. like do we ph test the soil too. or just what we water with. the solution and water. i watched a grow video that mentioned to test the runoff.


Active Member
yup but over time the ph can get off. thats what im wondering. like do we ph test the soil too. or just what we water with. the solution and water. i watched a grow video that mentioned to test the runoff.
Yup, I test runoff myself and it works good for my plants... I usally test my soil every two weeks before and after flush unless i have a problem like Nute burn or some kind of Nute deff...