My first 'Ice Wax'


Hello all. I have read this forum over the past few months, and appreciate the great information, as well as things not to do. Here are some pics from this morning of some organic Pitbull and Grandaddy Grape IWE after a slight pocket cure. I used a Stealth RO 200 for my water source, and I made my own ice....lots of it! Viva la Matt Rize!

73micron Pitbull
73 micron Pitbull.JPG

another 73 pit, little over exposed but eh
73micron Pitbull.JPG

90micron Pitbull
90micron Pitbull.JPG

90micron Grandaddy Grape
90micron Purp.JPG

The Grandaddy Grape


The grandaddy grape tastes and melts great, the pitbull is good but the trim was older and slightly lower quality so it doesn't melt as well.


Started with a little over a unit of trim and tiny nugs of organic frosty outdoor, got 33 grams of full melt, 11 grams of crumbly blonde kief like hash, and about a quarter of edible grade stuff. Have a lot of nice indoor trim coming in soon, going to grab the 20 gal machine to see if I can get a slightly better yield with less work involved.


Active Member
cant wait to see your second time. the pickier you get about beginning quality the better return and melt you'll get, but shoot looks like your up on that tip already, nice job.. do you use a normal screen pipe or dab type gear? that grand daddy looks nice and melty from here.:hump:


Well-Known Member
looks good man, is the 90 micron the smallest bag you're using? My 45 is usually the best bag loaded with high grade hash.

Doing anything with all the left over weed water?


This is the new grandaddy grape run, 73-90mic

This is some Banana Kush 73-90mic

My results are definitely getting better and I am now making some damn good Ice Wax. Currently I use use a dab rig. Grab a chunk and dunk it on the nail.


looks good man, is the 90 micron the smallest bag you're using? My 45 is usually the best bag loaded with high grade hash.

Doing anything with all the left over weed water?
I use a nine bag setup but generally just go with 7 or 8. My 45 stuff hasn't been that great from the trim I have been getting. Using it in some strong ass edibles though. As far as the weed water goes I have not used it for anything yet and I am open to suggestions. I do not want to drink it heh. When I run the grandaddy grape trim the water turns blood reddish-purple, it's pretty cool.


Active Member
theres stil trichs leftover from anything smaller than your smallest screen. i used 25 and stil had sludge on the bottom..

let the water settle outside if its cold enough under 50...

or in the fridge.. if its not a trashcan..

after a day or so all the trichs should of fallen to the bottom..

suck the water out with a hose while keeping the trashcan up right not to disturb trichs on bottom, siphon as much as possible out and you wil start to see a sludge at the bottom. you can either pour that into something and continue to let the trichs settle and seperate from the water and siphon water off the top without pulling trichs...

you should have a good amount of hash down there as well..

ive drank it and made mixed drinks pretty gnarls barkley to swallow but your mouth taste like delicious hash when it goes down....

i recommend using sludge for tinctures at the least