My first grow


Well-Known Member
i dunno man, that looks like a sexy baby to me. +rep for a having a good looking girl. did you have any specific questions in mind? how old is your girl? what are you growing in? what light are you using? :peace:


Well-Known Member
You need to transplant into a 3 gallon. Then she will really explode with growth. one last piece of advice, don't rush her into 12/12 wait until she is at least mature or 18" high.
Your doing great. Glad to see your not picking off leafs. +reps


Active Member
well my friend gave me a seed and i planted it. its about 12 inches tall bushy as all hell. Its about 3 months old id say i lost time. Im using a 150w hps and one 100w cfl. when do i flower what should i look for in flowering what yeild am i looking at and what kind of strain is this.... any coments are welcome good or bad i want to get better at growing and its up to you... yea you ... jk... so reply


Well-Known Member
If its 3 months old, you can flower any time. But here is what I would do.(transplant into a 3 gallon) I would take off the bottom branches with a clean razor nice and neat like just the bottoms, clone them or toss them. Then wait 2 weeks for that area to heal, in the mean time the other branches will be growing up and the nodes (bud sites) will be filling in.
There not going to get much light down there so what you will be doing is redirecting the hormones into the upper branches and fatting the buds.


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome. Still yet I would trim 4 lower branches and inside any spindely branches get them out 2 weeks before 12/12


Well-Known Member
I would lose that dark green rug or whatever it is on the bottom of your grow closet. It will soak up a bunch of heat and transfer it back to the plant. I nearly killed a batch a few years back by moving them from shiney aluminum drip pans to gray plastic. They started suffering and I went back to square one and they straightend out. Flat white is hard to beat.

beleave it or not but that is a 3 gal pot lol pot is just so bushy


Well-Known Member
The bottom branches right at the main stem cut off any bottom branches. like just ffrom bottom up 2 sets high. Just like if you where going to clone.