My First Grow with cfl's


Well-Known Member
So i get the rubbermaid setup done for now. Im gunna add 2 more reflectors with two 6500K Cfl's and then switch them with 2700K's when i start flowering. Here's what is done for now.

23 Day's Old.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone like this idea better or should i go back to what i was doing. Personally i think this is more organized.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieGOOD LUCK WITH UR GROW bongsmilie
So i get the rubbermaid setup done for now. Im gunna add 2 more reflectors with two 6500K Cfl's and then switch them with 2700K's when i start flowering. Here's what is done for now.

23 Day's Old.


New Member
Looks good and you should do it the way that works best for you. The way your plant looks, it's fat and sassy, couldn't be happier.

keep up the good work !!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Miss. H. I like it because now the lights are even a few more inches raised. They should really get taller quick.


Well-Known Member
:confused:are them plants indicas cuz they look like it ?? what strain ????:confused:.... my seedling jus popped out the soil this morning ...and also im going all CFL's.....btw your plants look good ... they look indicas ... and i love indicas


Well-Known Member
I don't know the strain but i personally saw the mother plant the seed came from and it was definately a sativa. Idk about the other one, probably indica too cause it has skinny leaves.


Well-Known Member
your gonna start the 12/12 now or soon? thats straight but a smaller plant than if you waited a little bit ( i did mine around 11 inches.... one of them was a lil smaller.....) you looking for yield at all


Well-Known Member
Im gunna start 12/12 in a week probably. Ill get pretty ok yield for this being my first grow, i got Feminized Pure Power Plant seeds coming sometime this week so im gunna do things alot differently next time so that i can get a good harvest.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i did get the basics first and then make some monster plants lol good luck i will be watching your grow if you would like you can watch mine click the link in the signature no pics yet but as soon as my new battery finishes charging there will be some pics


Well-Known Member
Awsome, i just tested out the digital timer i just bought and it work's perfectly i can't wait to start 12/12. Tonight im going to fix all of the light leeks in the room.


Well-Known Member
let me know how good that digital timer works
i gotta hydro system on the way and i need 2 get 1

good luck fixin the light leaks


Well-Known Member
Yeah so far it's working exactly like i hoped it would and the lights are going to be easy, i just gott cover the windows in the room with black plastic.