My first grow Northern lights!

Ak bong rippa

Well-Known Member
Hello i ordered my seeds of I bought Northern lights Feminized Seeds And about 3 weeks later i got them in the mail. Terrible shipping. :sad: . But I germinated them got my seedlings and they have been growing for about a week now. They Look like they are doing great :-o . i have a pretty tall space to do it so im not sure how tall i am going to get them? Any suggestions? i also have a fan and a heater fan in there for heat and circulation cause i do live in alaska and it does get pretty cold =] . They where a little streched in the beggining because i had the light so far away but now its like a inch away cause i have 2 cool bulbs i am getting a warm bulb today. Thanks for your time. Please give me reply's!!



Active Member
hey, great start. they're only going to get as tall as you want them to. since you have a lot of space, you probably don't want to lst, but you can use other methods of training that will increase your yield.

are you going to use the t5's thoughout your whole grow or are you going to change to some hid later?

Ak bong rippa

Well-Known Member
I have a 400 watt hps light on the way im going to clone some and make it more i want the closet full =] Thanks!bongsmilie