My first grow, nearly finished?


Active Member
Hi there, I started my grow a while back now and have used nothing but good soil and water. Unfortunatly I only have a limited space for it to grow (hence the leave are a little burnt, but now i have a fan which seems to have helped. Basically, just wondering what you thaught of my plant, if anyone has any ideas on what strain (or type) it is, and how long till cropping!? Sorry about pics, just done on camora phone.



Active Member
Cheers Jarhead, I just hope theres enough on it to go around!bongsmilie Still anyone one with any ideas as to how long left and strain, I know its probably hard to tell off pics but there must be someone with a keen eye on here!
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Active Member
well 75 to 80 for the entire growth have to wait until all those white hairs turn reddish brown...another 2 to 3 weeks my man..


Active Member
Well i cant remember the exact date but it has been about 10 or 11 weeks. Been watering every other day (its in a fairly small pot) and (agains the advise of others) have had it on 12/12 all the way through Wanted it fast, but now i see and smell how nice it is and just want quality. DOH! My flat mate is off home in 2 weeks, was hoping we could smoke it together before he went. Arr well, more for the rest of us :)

Cheers for the replys

Oh by the by, any ideas of strains, I have know idea how to tell the difference.


Well-Known Member
that looks flowered with CFLs, right?

looks like it's got a good couple of weeks to go til those buds fill out.


Active Member
Yeah, howd u know! Arr cool so the budds will fluff out more, was kinda expectin it to stay the same and just go orange.
Again cheers for all the replys!


Well-Known Member
Another 2-3 weeks and your jaw will drop!
A beautifull girl indeed!
How many CFLs did u use and what wattage?
My yield guess:1.3 OZ
a good 30 grams.That will last you till your next grow harvests(if you plan on doing it again).


Active Member
Excellent (In a mr burns voice). Its just the one bulb, pritty big one tho, 200w, Its a yellow band envirolite. It is only a small plant, I think even an oz is a bit ambitious but im a newb so hopefully ur right! I am planning on doing again, but insead of using a random bag seed, my mate has sent me some red diesel seeds (one of my personal favorets) from Dam. I just hope Mr. Postman dusnt spot em in the mail.
Cheers for the replyes people.

Again anyone with any idea of strain (sativa or whatever)?