my first grow,moby dick,ak48,white widow


Hi there this is my first ever grow,moby dick here is pics of her at 2wks old.
grow cabinet 5ft tall x 2ft3wx2ft1d
15cm pots
plagron batmix with extra perlite
clay pebbles 4 drainage
200w cfl
2x 120mm pc fans out
2x 80mm pc fans intake
1x 7 inch fan
mixed 3ltr's batmix with 2ltr's perlite thenjust popped the seeds straight in soil they germed in 2 days,any comments more than welcome as i am new to this an loving it:weed:
write behind moby is ak48 and to the left is white widow


Hey Greenman

Ill be watchin!!!
cheers dude:weed:
just wanted to no what can the temps go down to at night when in veg phase,and would veg for 4-5 wks,any help would be good ,am i doing the right thing watering them just until i get a little run out,as watered them on the 27th then checked this morn and the pots were light again,so i just give them a little more until a tiny bit run out,am frightened of over watering the babies


Well-Known Member
What light cycle you running 24/0? The longer you veg the bigger they will get in flower. Depends on how much room you have and your goals and patience…I like to veg until they have 6 – 8 nodes and around 8 - 12” tall. I let the plants tell me not the calendar.

I have read all kinds of temp opinions. I am still learning myself. I research a lot and read a lot of grow journals. You have to wade through the BS. You just have to figure out what works for you and your setup. I like to keep it simple, get in tune with your plants. I learn the most from my grows. I think the biggest mistake I see is over fertilizing with all the big time flower nutes.

Some of my thoughts right or wrong:
In nature veg occurs in summer, hot days warm nights. In the past I veged 24/0 and keep the temp around 80 to 82 but no higher than 85 max degrees all the time. On my new grow I am trying 22/2 veg recommended by a very exp grower as his best result. Keeping the temp in the low 70’s lights off.

Flower occurs in fall warm days cooler nights. I read from another exp grower where a good temp drop of 15 – 20 degrees at lights off helps in bud formation. I have been letting my flowering plants drop to 66-67 at night and since I noticed the buds seemed to have thickened up faster. Might be because they are maturing but its not hurting them.

As for watering I only use a schedule to know how long its been between watering and remind me to check them. Some like to wait till the leaves droop. I don’t. I like to keep it moist at all times. I water when they feel light but no more than every other day so far. Yours look great so keep doing what you are doing. Your plants will let you know. If you are watering lightly then they might need watering everyday if they are pots feel light. To me as long as you have good drainage you are ok.

During flower in soil mine seem to really suck up the water when the lights are off. My mom could take a stick out of the yard and make it grow. lol She always watered the shit out of her plants but let the water runoff keeping a ½ of so in the saucer. I slowly add water until there is a ½” or less in the saucer. By the next morning they suck up the water in the saucer.

Just go for it, keep it fun and learn as you grow!!!


hi there just wanted to stick these pics up as am just wondering if these look like they need watering or r they ok ,all comments r welcome just want a second apinion as this is my fisrt ever grow so please let me no


Still getting used to this as will ony let me upload 2 pics at a time,keeps saying not enough tokens what ever that means,so leave your comments much appreciatatedbongsmilieits prob me worring to much lol,as just what i read in the grow bible that under watering the leave's can droop,:?


Well my panic is over,mrs came back from shopping yeah in the sales,she did'nt get chance i was saying look at my babie's somthing not good:?, so she take's them puts in kicthen on top then just looked at me un said,they need water you have'nt given them enough,i just looked at her and smiled and give them a watering un they took 5 pints between them,so i guess you can say i did'nt give them enough i was watering them as if they were still seedlings ooop's,well i i won't forget that:bigjoint:


Well just update on my babies,as you can see w.w and ak48 looking good but moby is looking a little sad,i watered them all at the same time as they all had slight wilt,but as you can see moby looking sad so will give it couple of days as i think she might not like alot of water compared to the w.w & ak well will see how goes,please any comments welcome,i only want to transplant them just once from the 15 cm pots into 11 litre pots in about 2wks to flower or would you reckon let them go bit longer,there is slight nute burn but not sure if that is from me spilling my ph water on them,well fingers crossed as would reall love moby to pick up bless her.



Well i have just had it confirmed that my poor moby has been underwatered,so will change the water schedule for her even though she is same age,they have got nute burn but only a little,next time i will do a 50/50 mix with perlite,on these babies as it being my first time i done 3ltr's batmix to 2litr's perlite,so as they say you do learn buy your mistake's and will not be doing that again,moby she will survive bless her, so loving this, why i did not start a long time ago,guess you could say i am addicted :bigjoint:have added a pic of poor little moby


Well am building my flower room this weekend here is the size of it an what i will putting in it.
7ft 8 tall x 3ft 12 wide x3ft deep
5"outake tt fan with carbon filter
5" insulated ducting
4"intake tt fan
4"insulated ducting
400w hps light with easy rollers
1kw contactor & timer
11 litre pots
refelctive mylar
am also going to build some boxe's to put the fans's into.will post pics of it


Here is an update,well had to repot into new pots but the same size as thats all i had,reason was they had stopped growing,the other reason was that they were not sitting high enough in the pots and the pebble's i had for drainage hindered the roots from going down any further causing great probs especially the moby as you will see in pic's,so added 2 litre's of batmix mixed with 2 litre's of perlite total of 4 litre's in all,that was divided between the three new pots in the bottom and then put my girls back in and you can see the results of what it has done for them in pic's below,as of today w.w is 7" tall,ak48 6" high and moby is 6" high so they are loving the repot,will be putting into 11 litre for flowering ,flower room is nearly done will post pic's,there is slight nute burn on them but that was because the mix i done from seed was 3l batmix to 2l perlite,now the mix is 50/50



just quick note have just built these boxes for me 5"&4" fan's,it help's to make them quieter so just wanted to post a couple of pic's,anybody is welcome to comment if you like,and here is pic,s of the veg room with my girl's and also pic of flower room in progress,all this has been built in my cupboard from a old wardrobe i aquired,so what you thing,i love it ,so looking forward to the flowering:bigjoint:



Well here we are wk4 and all is good,started yesterday givin them nute's as you can see they are lite green,w.w. 10" high,moby is 9 1/2" high and is back to life thank god and ak 9 /12 " and looking good,have just trinned the nute burn's off from when they were young,flower room is nearly done,pic's of my ladies,



Hi there,quick update,well repotted them last night into 11ltr pots ready for flowering in about a week,the ak48 11"high is to the left,w.w is to the right and 13" high and the moby at the back is also 13" high,so far this is the secound repot and they have suffered no shock,i just let them slide out the old 15cm pots did not touch the root's at all to scared lol,and just put the ladies in these 11ltr,mix i used was 10 ltr's batmix to 2ltr's perlite to each one,then gave a watering and they each took 2ltr's each did not have no run off but the soil is moist at the bottom when i touch it in the drain hole's at the bottom of the pots,might flower this week or wait till 18" high have'nt made me mind up,the flower room is nearly done will post pic's soon,but here is the ladies in the veg room as you can see they just fit in,



Well i have finished my flower room in me cupboard,not very good with cam lol,and some pic,s of my ladies they will be going in flower room on fri-sat morn,just got to have a recky with the light so the sms fan controller can set itself up and then were off :bigjoint:.
7ft 8 tall x 3ft 12 wide x3ft deep
5"outake tt fan with carbon filter
5" insulated ducting
4"intake tt fan
400w hps light with easy rollers,any commnent's welcome:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Nice set up GM7. You have been a busy camper. Let the flowering fun begin!!!