My first grow! Just started a week ago.


Active Member
Hey everyone!

I figured I would just put up a few pictures of my recently germinated/sprouted seeds. I germinated 5 seeds in paper towel, and 5 in soil, (they are AK 48 seeds).

All 5 paper towel seeds germinated and I placed them all in soil in one of those mini green houses along with the soil seeds.

A few days later I got my first two sprouts! They came from the paper towel germinated seeds, so I guess that shows the effectiveness of one method over another?

So, here are a few pictures of my sprouts in my mini green house (with one 45w CFL).

Soil is a mix of potting soil and worm castings, no nuts (at least not for the first week, as I've read lots of advice not to).

I guess I do have a few questions: is that one 45w CFL okay for now? I'm looking to get about 3 females from these 10 seeds, would one 45w CFL be okay for each (SOG method)? Also, is the distance of the CFL to the plants plants (sprouts really) okay?

I'm sure I'll have tons more questions soon, so thanks guys! As I try and figgure out this forum I'll try and do one of those grow logs. For now all I have is this mini green house for the sprouts, but within the next few days I'll have to build my grow room/closet (an unused bathroom).

Thanks all!

