My first grow i need all the help i can get!!


Well-Known Member
ok so this is my first ever grow after doing alot of research for a long time and finally got a chance to setup and grow. ive got bagseeds nothing special but alot of them. ive got 15 germinating in damp paper towels in cups and about 7 in agallon bucket of miracle grow flow and veg in my grow room. i also hav two 500 watt craftsman lamps above and a 12 inch fan. i can post pics i just need feedback. any help negative or positve i just want to learn.



Active Member
what size space is ur grow room ? not to familiar with ur lights , what lumen and kelvin does it put out?
ive heard miracle grow isnt the best for growing either


Well-Known Member
my grow room is about 4 feet wide 4 feet deep and 10 feet high but i have metal racks and different heights in the closet. this is a link to my lights 1000 Watt, Double Headed Halogen Work Lamp Stand, 2 500 Watt T3 Halogen Bulb included

they produce 10500 lumes on high a piece so ive got 21000 lumens on tap is that good

i am using these lights because i recently moved and construction workers left the lighst ans sum other useful things behind. each 500 watt lamp has to settings a high and a low in my pics they are on low.


Well-Known Member
You have 21,000 lumens for 1000 watts? How about if i showed you a way to get 50,000 lumens for only 400 watts?? wow 2 times the light for 40% of the cost. look here High Tech Garden Supply

lose the very inefficient lights and keep doing some research, lots more to learn.


Well-Known Member
yeah, you probably need a different light. you are putting out too much heat for the relatively little amount of light you gain in return. for $120, you can get a nice 400W hps and be growing in style.


Well-Known Member
yeah that's technically enough light, i think halogen is the wrong spectrum of light though.

the thing about lights is this.

there are 3 types of lights that you can use to grow bud
. period.

these are the only three that are effective:

#1 High-Pressure Sodium (the bright ass orange streetlights, it's good for the flowering stage of the plant and puts out the most light per watt)
#2 Metal Halide (bright ass white street lights, good for vegetative growth, i.e. for and indoor grower the first 4 weeks)
#3 Fluorescent (good for vegetative growth, can be used for flowering but with lower yields, not as hot as the other lights, and you can get Compact fluorescents that screw in a regular light socket for super cheap, you know the little spiral ones)

everything else has been tried, and yes it will keep a plant alive and a plant will even grow, in fact it will grow VERY TALL and skinny because it will be thirsty for light and reaching for the heavens to find some, and in the end those halogens are so hot they will burn your plants at a range close enough to grow them.

you can get a 150w HPS for 20 bucks here:

but for the next week while you are getting your new light yes they will keep your seedlings alive, just check the temperatures under the lights make sure it's under 85 degrees.

oh and miracle grow is too hot (ie. too strong) for cannabis, don't give them any fertilizer for 3 weeks after they sprout, also the 7 you have in one bucket need to be in separate containers, you can just use plastic cups with a hole cut in the bottom they work fine.


Well-Known Member
ok great so HPS lights are the way to go. do you all know of any department stores that carry these lights i dnt want to wait on shipping if i can drive down the road.


Well-Known Member
i use a small amount of fertalizer( chicken ) yes its hot but dryin it out enough and usin alotta dirts works.... they grow insanely large