My first grow/harvest.


Awesome! Can you explain a little more what you mean.? Sorry Thanks
nice but next time let the trics be your guide

1: Clear

2: white

3: Amber

good luck
Can you explain a little more about what you mean? Sorry still a little new. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
come harvest time

go get a 30x glass or jewelers loup'e

and you can zoom into to see them crystal tricomes(trics)

harvest once the color is at the desired range

3 colors:

clear for lsd rush /stone

or amber for total couch lock

good luck


come harvest time

go get a 30x glass or jewelers loup'e

and you can zoom into to see them crystal tricomes(trics)

harvest once the color is at the desired range

3 colors:

clear for lsd rush /stone

or amber for total couch lock

good luck
Awesome!! Just ordered a KINGMAS(R) Pocket 30 x 21mm Glass Magnifier Silver on amazon so thanks again!!