My first grow from clones. DWC/Soil grow


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow using a cheap DIY DWC set up, Using just filtered tap water and rooting hormone. I call it a hybrid set up since I only made 8 spots for DWC cloning. I havent counted how many I have since they are all pretty bushy and Im just plain lazy lol. I'm cloning Blue Widow and a Jamaican Blue Widow Hybrid. I also have another unknown plant I recieved as a maturing clone.

I got the info about making the DWC from Wolfman Zen's post
I just modified it slighlty and used styrofoam cups instead of foam discs. Which after looking at the tutorial again, I should use something besides cups to block the light.

My lights are 2 48" 6500k daylight bulbs putting out 3050 lumens each. I also have a smaller aquarium light that I use mostly for heat.

I started with these, The lighter leaves are the jamaican ones.

This is the beginning of the set up. I decided to make a DWC to try and save some wilting clones and boy did it work! No losses yet!

You can tell how bad the wilting was by this pic. This was at the end of week 1.

Unfortunately I erased most of my week 2 pics but I found this one of Blue Widow. These have been doing the best so far. I started seeing some roots on the DWC clones by now but some are a bit slow.

Now its week 3 and I have transplanted a few so far. I'm kinda disappointed with the DWC clones. It saved the ones that were almost dead but they are still slower to root than the soil ones. I have just changed the water in the container and cleaned the slime and or gritty stuff off tubes and water heater.

Here's an overview of the plants

And a close-up of my favorites, the BW

Now that I have some plants in cups now, I needed a separate spot for them. I have a cabinet that I figured would work great!

This is my little set up for a mango bonsai. Starting from seed but it hasnt sprouted yet. This is a lantern thing that had a candle in it. I put in a light socket and a mini CPU fan for circulation. The CO2 cartridges are to block the holes and to hold the wires for the fan

This is the inside of my cabinet, pretty small for now, if needed I'll do the same with the bottom shelf. I'm using 2 5000k CFs putting out 1600 lumens each.

Oh yea, I changed the position of my circulation fan in my DWC...

After looking at the post about the DWC I made, I'm ditching the fish tank heater. Hopefully colder water will help them root quicker. I'm also covering the lid with foil to block more light from the bottom.

Thanks for checkin this out, Ill make regular updates so stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Ok so after reviewing some threads, I decided to revamp my setup. Instead of taking the water heater out completely, I turned it down to 70[SUP]o[/SUP]. I need a heat source since this is in my basement so the fish tank heater is all i could find without spending money. I also covered the bin with tin foil to block the light and also reflect more to the leaves. Finally I lined the styrofoam cups with foil and electrical tape to block out more light. I hope these things help me get better root growth

Also did some Fimming

the Jamaican is gonna have some nice orange hairs it looks like! I cant wait to see how these all turn out.

*EDIT* I forgot to add I'm using Miracle Grow moisture control for the time being for the matured clones. I'm also doing some trials with old dry clippings as mulch mixed in some of the pots. I also tried flushing the MG before planting.

I'm ordering some LEDs online to make my own light for the plants I keep inside. This will be my first perpetual grow as well.

I'm open to all comments and suggestions. Please note, I'm doing a very low cost grow. I've already spent all I'm willing to spend at the time being besides the LEDs and nutes.
Anyone have good experience with bonsai plants?


Well-Known Member
Week 4... Most clones are into cups now. I think using tap water in the DWC has messed up my plants. I was lazy and didnt filter it last time I changed it. Also theres some nute burn on some plants... damn MG houseplant shit.

Now with more cups, I need more space and light.

I put foil on the bottom shelf in the cab but only had 1 more light, so this will have to do for now

The jamaicans are real picky, I hope they're worth the trouble they're puttin me through!

I went out and got some Super Thrive. I treated all plants with it and also added some into the DWC. Now I need to get something to check the ph of the soil and water. That may help me fix whatever is goin on with the jamaicans. Although the blue widow is thriving with little or no problems.

Finally, I figured I'd treat the plants to some CO2, Heres my setup...

CO2 pellet pistol with 15g cartridge. The O-ring is busted so it leaks nice and slow, I also made a CPU fan setup on the bottom to recirculate the CO2.

Its been a few hrs since treating with superthrive, and plants are doing great! the ones with nute burn are healing very nicely! Lemme know if you have any advice or tips on what I'm doing.

Im gonna start a trial using lake water to see if its beneficial at all also


Well-Known Member
havent updated in a while... too busy but the girls are thriving... as soon as this cold weather goes away, outdoors they go! I just inherited a few new types, Haleys comet, pineapple and some grape stuff but I'm not sure what its called.

I've split the plants into a couple set ups. These are in the cabinet with 3 6500k cfls, and a 12v CPU fan. Its a tight space so pics are difficult sometimes.

These are in my old DWC with a makeshift cabinet type thing to keep the warmth in.

And then there's this gal... The grape diesel(I think..) I'm not sure whats goin on, she just started turning purple. Gotta check it out and fix since I heard thats one of the best strands, and I only have 1!

Theres one last plant I'm putting into flower but I didn't get a pic and its lights out for her! I'll post some when the buds start!