My First Grow ! Bubbleponics !


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:wall: So there has been a lot of stuff going on with the plants. Dont even know where to start..
1. Spider mite: I set off a fogger a couple days back and that slowed them down. But as of a few days ago I seen them moving around on a few plants. So I need to re-fog the room again. I looked into many different ways of fighting them. foggers,foilar sprays.. ect.. Kind of strapped for cash so I after looking on the net for hours I just went with the alcohol water mix in a spray bottle.. About 1/4 alcohol in a normal water bottle. I was nervous to give the girls the spray so i started real lite misting 2 days ago and just sprayed on the bottom of the leaves and some tops. Checked them the next morning and they didn't seem to mind the spray. So i will continue with that every few days till these non-paying rent assholes die.

2.Yellowing Leafs and Drooping Leafs:
I have searched on the net for days to try and diagnose these problems.. But its kind of hard to tell what they really are. Im using Botanicare cns17 and that was it for the first 2 weeks. But looking into the mg deficiency I figured I could use some cal and mag. So I went 2 days ago and picked some up. I wanted to flush them again but I had done a rez change a few days before so I didnt want to waste the nutes. So i just added the Cal-max straight to the rez with about 4 tsp in each planter. Which is under the recommended dosage but I wanted to be cautions with adding anything straight into the res. Prior to adding it the leaves werent all looking yellow but you could see the yellow spreading from the stem out toward the tips of the leafs. Put me in panic mode lol.:wall: But the cal-max stuff must have done something because color is returning to the leaves that were being affected. And it's at night that the leaves were drooping. Is this a normal thing ? They always pick back up when the lights are back on. 18/6 by the way.

3. PH problems:
The ph on my tanks for some reason were hoping around. I would ph the water with the nutes and when adding the babes back in the water I would check my ph and it would be in the 7's. Ph down'd the water and for whatever reason they went back to 5.9-6.2 so thats good.:finger:

So thats pretty much it for now. I will be doing another res change on the 9th. And will be adding the nutes plus cal-max. The snowcaps are huge (damn sativas) and the purple kush are still pretty small. I hope they pick back up. the master kush is doing great. For whatever reason the bugs are on the bottom leaves but never go to the top. So thats good. All the roots look really healthy and white. They are drinking about half a gallon every 3 days. I still want to get a ppm meter and a ph meter. Im using drops still which blow but i guess i got to make due. The temps stay around 78-79 in the day. and 72 with lights off. Humidity always is around 32-44. Anyone have any input or ideas let me know.. !!
So on to the pics..:hump:8-)

Oh and a few of my leafs are curling up like a boat.. I have looked for the answer to this problem but seems hard to find.. Please let me know if you have any idea to what it could be.. I dont think heat stress because my hand is not hot above the plant.. so im lost but help would be nice.. ! Thanks



Active Member
I just seen a nat flying around !! Any ideas on how to get rid of them ? and how do you kill the eggs of spider mites ? Help please! !!


Active Member
Ran into a few more problems but have been searching around on the net like a mad man tryin to find the answer to my problems.

Rez temps went up for whatever reason yesterday causing a little root rot threw a little h202 in there and everything seemed to clear up or at least the roots got back to normal color.

Seen a damn flying chewing on some leafs. Sprayed the alcohol mix to try and kill it but with no success. Mixed up the azamax as a foilar spray and went to town on one set of the snowcaps. Like drenched it from top to bottom spray the rockwool.. EVERYTHING ! Just went crazy lol.. And that was last night as well. Checked the snowscap i sprayed when i woke up and seen alot of little dead bugs on the bottom of the plants.. Which was a relief. Plan on doing that to the rest tonight. To hopefully slow them down and evenutally kick there asses out.

Oh and i was checking under one of the master kush leafs and the branch snapped.. and instead of tossing it i just tryd clone no cloning gels just rockwool and constant water from spray bottle.. If it dies oh well wasnt ment to be i guess im not ready to start cloning anyway.. But any ideas on how to keep the little clone on life support would BE GREAT!!!!:leaf:kiss-ass

Other then that everything seems to be fine. On to the pics...

Any helpful advice thus far would be appreciated.. if not :finger: lol just messin.. PIcs !



Active Member
i have one question for you, dont know if anyone asked yet, but how do you intend to change the rez when those plants are huge and the root system is so tangled in the rez, and what about when your flowering?



Active Member
Being this is my first grow i have no clue haha.. I would assume just to do the same as i have done. Pop the lid off set it aside and drain and fill... Basically been just searching around the net for the do's and dont's really.. SO hopefully everything runs smooth.. Honestly its been more work then i thought it would be.. But its so gratifying see them grow.


Active Member
yeah it is, but it's way too much of a hassle for me, so I went Ebb & Flo.

change rez once a week and watch them grow, seems too easy, it is... muhahaha!!


Active Member
So how does that ebb and flo actually work i never really looked into it. I just jumped in bubbleponics like a mad man.. lol.. thinking of doing a veg room of ebb and flo.. Woulud you recommend it ?


Active Member
i recommend e & f all day long

this was 4 weeks ago, just harvested this, will have 4 p's after drying - 3'x6' tray, 2 1000w lights.


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Just wanted to show some pics off. Dont have much time rite now to write whats been going on. But heres some pics. 2 week of flowering.. and yes i know i waited way to long to go into flowering.. But will see how that plays out.. heres the pics.:weed:



Active Member
:hump::hump:So all the plants are doing well, as far my noob eyes can tell. They are in their 2nd week of flowering and I thought it took a couple of weeks to see flowers but all the flowers are sprouting every were.! Nothing better then watching them grow to be what they are now. I have a handle on the mites Im keeping up on spraying them every week to make sure they dont reproduce more eggs. I also cut clones and thus far they seem to be doing well. about 10 are rooting well and the others i cut at a different time so there a little behind. And i got a Nice new T5 8 blub light setup which are sitting over my clones. And that will be my new clone/veg room.:joint: I really want to know what you guys think my yeild will be ? If anything i will start a new post just to get a answer if anything. but im open to anyones opinion on it. Cuz i dont have a clue to what the out come will be. But i do understand how your first grow is trial and error. Next time i will not do to different strains in one rez. Snow caps are to damn big and cover my purp kush to the point where they are fighting for light. But anyone have a guess on how much the harvest will be ! let me know. Heres the PIcs.bongsmilie



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Forgot to add that also the tray my clones are sitting on is my new ebb n flo. Waiting till the clones get a little strong to start that up also..

But i really want the estimate on how much harvest will be.. ?

Thanks !


Active Member
ever thought about starting over when you saw the first mite? not that ur doin anything wrong but its just not worht the hassle

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Your plants are beautiful, man. When I figure out how to subscribe, I will. In the meantime, here's some good karma coming your way.


Active Member
ever thought about starting over when you saw the first mite? not that ur doin anything wrong but its just not worht the hassle
I wish I would have but its a learning lesson really... Im kind of glad im dealing with it on my first run and i have still made it this far. But on my next round i will be sure to bomb and clean everyting to make sure those fucks dont come back.


Active Member
Thanks man. Im excited i have made it this far.! And i think leaving a message makes you subscribe .. But I am not to sure on that one.. But stop by whenver


nice set up have you used this bubbleponics system before? i have the same thing but just 1 and a 400wt hps. but im having some problems and dont know what to do i think i might have killed them. i posted a thread on the plants problems forum under This is my first grow did i kill my plants pics just read yours again guess this your first grow too. i have one suggestion. get bigger baskets and have the drain hole installed because when they get big if they get as big as mine your going to have hell trying to drain the tanks and not breaking the plants. i have been using the nutrients that came with the system. i had them in the grow cycle for a long time maybe 8 or 9 weeks ad they are 6 feet tall. and make sure u have a good water pump and in a good position to change it out if need be because i used the pump that came with the system and it fried in 6 weeks. and i broke some of the roots trying to change it out. look at my pics on my thread