My First Grow and Journal

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yeah what I have read says the 16 hr cycle is really controversial for that reason...

But my feelings are this is a bagseed that has had some pretty rough beginnings with me not knowing what the hell i was doing, so it has experienced not so much stress- but a early growth stall- I am hoping that by going from 24, 18, 16 hours of light I can replicate the real cycle of the summer and decrease stress going into 12/12. I dont want any hermaphrodites due to stress.

My thoughts with the 36 hours of darkness is that it will be an opportunity for the plant to use up its energy reserves and grow good and tall- and prepare itself to take in all it can from the hps in its flowering cycle...

IDK this has inspired me to do more reading on the 36 hrs of darkness. It would be a tragedy if i screwed myself here at this point.

I will post again tonight with what i learn of the 36 hrs of darkness.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm really interested. To bad you can't put some into 12/12 right away and the others with the 36 hours of darkness.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
actually I could... its easy to keep em in the dark- i can just throw em in a dark spare bedroom- and turn the light on some right now...

should I put the small ones in 12/12 now or the big ones? if you look at the pics they definitly range a bit in size, between 10- and 14 inches


Well-Known Member
Hmm, tough question. I'm not to sure, I guess put the small ones into 36 hours of darkness. I can't really think of any reasons why one would be better over the other right now.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Ok here we go, a big update:

The 36 hours worked fantastically!!!

I cant tell you how excited i was to enter the grow room this morning after 36 hours of complete darkness. There was a ton of new growth on the plants- and even four with what i believe to be pre-flower development! I am stoked. Some of the plants leaves are droopy as i expected (no light or water tends to do that) and the pictures should reflect that as they are taken immediatley after their dark period.

Switching the MH bulb out was incredibly easy, and watching the new HPS bulb turn on for the first time made me light up almost as much as the room. I definitly expected the hps to put out more heat than it does, and i am thankful that it does not- the room temp is about the exact same as with the MH. The light is noticeably different, with a much more orangish/red to it- which i understand is the critical light spectrum for flowering.

Current Temp: 67 low at night and 76 with light
Current RH: 59% night and 44% with light
Light Height: 18" over top of tallest plant
Ph: I dont know... Do I need to get a meter? I dropped the nitrogen rich fish water now that their flowering and am now just using tap water with a mix of molasses and ultra low dose nute

I used 5 teaspoons of molasses in 2 gallons (I boiled the molasses down first in a smaller pot then mixed in with the rest of 2 gallons) and 1/2 a teaspoon of the bloom and grow from grocery store (expert gardner) I always forget the numbers on the bloom and grow specifically but they are in line with many of the more expensive products I have seen designed specifically for marijuana. For my first grow I am looking to avoid having to tamper with nutrients, that is definitely on the list for the next immediately following grow along with genetics. But for now- I am hoping this is cool. Is this a terribly bad idea, do I need 'wonder products'?

I rearranged and even went so far as to name the plants. I had too much fun with it and the ones with pre-flower development all got female names that started with H's, and the others got androgynous names. I also recorded their heights from end of main stem and a guess at what i belive to be their main strain; sativa / indica

Pics Begin in Same order as plant:
Sam: Sativa; 12"
Fran: Sativa 9.5"
Jan: Indica 7"
Bert: Indica 7"
Holly: Indica 7" (preflower)
Heidi: Sativa, maybe some indica? 7"
Heather: Sativa, some indica? 10.5"
Helga: Indica 7.5"
Pat: Indica 8.5"
Andrea: Indica, maybe some Sativa? 12"
Terry: Sativa, maybe some indica? 11"

Then I have some up close kiddy bud porn? If your in to that...
Followed by a group shot of the aspiring young bud stars
and then two shots of the outside of the operation
and finally a cool overhead shot i took

Well thats it, a ton of pics and a lot of writing, thanks to those that read it, and to anyone who even skimmed it has any advice or noticed something done wrong please call me on it- and tell me how to correct it.

Thanks all.



Well-Known Member
Hmm, still droopy I see. Mine did that going into 12/12 so I don't think it was the 36 hours of darkness.

Looks like pistils in one of those closeups?

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Great work OB, its an excellent journal, you're a Jedi Master!

That 36hrs darkness sounds like a really good idea. There's science behind it too particularly if you are trying to keep them small. You bought yourself a good head start on the flowering phase and ill be trying to do the same.

One thing I would suggest, which would only really benefit at this stage of your grow, is square pots. Square pots of the same volume and you would have them all more directly below the light. When they grow bigger - and they will - its not so important cos you might spread them more anyways.

May the GroundForce be with you :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey i like the naming of the plants :smoke1: def like the 36 hour of darkness idea too gonna give that a try for sure

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
cool I want as many people as possible to try it and report back on how it works- the concensus is so mixed- I stand for it- but many against- and the science is even debatable with those that say that mother nature would never do that, and some that say i am mother nature and i do what i damn well please! lol... got carried away. But yeah its very unique debate- and a possible trick that more people should know about and only a forum like this offers the amount of people to try it and report back to get a quicker report on its success. If i tried to figure this out by experimenting on my own it would take me forever to find out if 36 hours is effective- probobly like 4 grows before i had a good indication. Because my one success could be luck- or based on god knows what...

Lets do it for science... lol that was something i always said as a young toker- we would say its impossible to overdose on weed- and then joke that we would make every effort to so that in the name of science we could discover what amount became lethal.

Wouldnt that make a great news headline or obituary tho, i mean if theres a way to go out... being the 1st would almost be worth it lol jk

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i now under stand the logic behind 36 hour dark start. my next grow won't be for another 5 weeks so it will be about 10 weeks till flowering , i will be interested in how this works for people,
did you get rid of the logs?

good work OB you might have started a new trend on RIU

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I did get rid of the wet logs, and till the beginning of flowering i was using the wet towels- but now i dont need humidity as i am flowering.

Did you and everyone else check those shots of the kiddy bud porn, those are preflowers right, which means i am getting girls right!?

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
the first is hard to tell but i would say it looks like two hairs on the left
the second i can't tell not clear
the third and fourth are def female

congratulations you are a dad to at least 3 baby girls i will have a blunt for you:bigjoint:

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
WOOT WOOT!!! I knew it but i really wanted to hear someone say it!!! I JUST LIT UP AGAIN in two ways lol a smile and a bowl!!!