My first ever harvest!!! Blue Dream.


so this is my first real harvest. i am super excited.. i am a noob grower and i have a few questions for you experts on here! i made a string rack in a big cardboard box and was going to dry it in there.. then i realized the box smelled like shit so i just ended up hanging them in my closet. what should i watch out for when hanging to dry? also i wrapped paper clips around the stem to hang it. some of the paper clips are pretty tight around the stem.. will this prevent moisture from leaving?

i was told that crystals fall when you are drying is this true? help D: :D



Well-Known Member
Watch for mold, the paper clips should be ok........ and yes a small amount of crystal will fall but nothing to get worried about. if you had more hanging there you might be able to put paper under them to collect them but with that amount you wouldnt get much of anything. Congrats on your first harvest :)


thank you!! :) my closet is right next to my bedroom window and the window is pretty big. and i always have my window open. so this should lower the chances of mold yes? should i put a fan in my room or something? and should i keep my closet doors closed? its supposed to be in darkness right? also how long should i keep it in my closet untill i jar it
Keep it dark. The open window is good. And then just check the stems. I start the cure when the stems have more of a snap then a bend. I just harvested my first blue dreams as well.


Active Member
Lol nice paper clip idea. I actually just tied them w pipe cleaner I figured it would hold onto them pretty tight - but that paper clip idea is pretty sick :)

Congrats on your first harvest, its always the best but usually the worst quality - your next grow will be 10x better even if this nug is bomb alrdy :) The more u grow the more u kno


is the darkness part a huge deal? cuz my closet gets sun creepin in during the daytime. will that fuck up my buds? if so ill redo my set up.. hang a sheet or something