My First CFL Grow


New Member
Good luck bro! & Get a fan ASAP! The stems need it and the air needs to be moving!
Saw a few ppl say it earlier and thought it you heard it a few more times it'd make a difference haha!
Get a fan!
And good luck again bro! You got this :joint:


Well-Known Member
Watch out about lights falling, happened to me. I was unluckey enough it was during flower and ruined 1 of 2 girls in the room.
Keep em supported and Keep me sub'd and posted.

P.S Get a Fan!!!
Thanks for the precautionary warning.
I've had that problem with Bengay, as you can see, while she was sprouting. I'm doing my best in preventing that from happening again. I've nailed a little board of wood with about 8 nails to hang my lights (yeah, I know, a little too much :roll:). And I have one! Just not using it yet as I haven't finished my room yet. :sad:

Good luck with them babies man ;)

I attach the pigtails of the chains to a second set of hooks which would limit any fall to a couple of inches if I should blunder on the first set of hooks...I refer to this as "Stoners Insurence"

Did that for my last (failed) indoor grow. Planning to this time around as well, thanks for the input though!

Good luck bro! & Get a fan ASAP! The stems need it and the air needs to be moving!
Saw a few ppl say it earlier and thought it you heard it a few more times it'd make a difference haha!
Get a fan!
And good luck again bro! You got this :joint:
Thanks for the support. And I know, I know, sheesh! So many nannys in this thread! :mad: Lmfao. Just kidding
But yeah, I figured that too and for that reason am trying to finish my room as soon as possible!

looking good
Thanks! Well, if that was directed towards my grow.. :smile:

Damn Bakatare, your grow looks like it turned out amazingly well! Hopefully my grow will turn out as well as yours did. Your potato state ass better help me if my ladies start to need medical attention! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, but I wasn't able to finish my grow room since I was working all day today because my coworker asked me cover her shift... :neutral:
Nothing has really changed since yesterday, with the exception of both Bengay and Condom's second set of leaves starting to grow (but suprisingly, the Condom is growing a bit faster than Bengay, even with her getting burnt, eh, I guess it's just the genetics), but nevertheless, here's an update on the girls!:hump:

And why in Black Jesus's name are my pictures coming out sideways!!!!?!?!? I've tried flipping them and what not, but it still comes out like this... grrr :mad:



Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, but I wasn't able to finish my grow room since I was working all day today because my coworker asked me cover her shift... :neutral:
Nothing has really changed since yesterday, with the exception of both Bengay and Condom's second set of leaves starting to grow (but suprisingly, the Condom is growing a bit faster than Bengay, even with her getting burnt, eh, I guess it's just the genetics), but nevertheless, here's an update on the girls!:hump:
Why, you didn't tell her 'hell no, I have to go home and fix my weed growing room'?:lol:


Well-Known Member
Why, you didn't tell her 'hell no, I have to go home and fix my weed growing room'?:lol:
I did tell that dirty stinking fat prostitute looking whateverthefuckyouwanttocallthathumungousthing that! But only jokingly... Man... should have just said it seriously shouldn't I have... :roll:
But I do need a bit of cash in my pockets... Need a roof over my head ya know!


Well-Known Member
I know I know :lol:
Your grow looks amazing by the way! How much did you end up harvesting off of her?


Well-Known Member
I'm only at day 71 from sprout, tomorrow will be 6 weeks from flip, 12 days from first hairs showing. (last pics)
I take pics on Mondays, so I'll have more in a couple days.
But, remember, I only had 98w of CFL's on her until day 55 when I added enough to bring it up to 300w.
I want her to hurry up and finish, but at the same time, I expect another 6-7 weeks.
My last 2 scraggly outdoor plants finished late last year in poor weather, but between the two, I got almost an O dry, plus over an O of wet popcorn which I used for ISO hash, so I'm hoping for at least that much from this one.
I really feel lucky how this one turned out, with my failed attempt at FIMMING, turned into 2 tops, which I crossed and tied like the other branches, looks like I'm gonna have about 10 nice buds plus the extras.:-P
I guess I should start a journal.


Well-Known Member
Ahh... Yeah... She could have been a bit bushier, but nevertheless, she looks fine. And I can make a good guess that she is loving the extra light;-)
And your FIM'ing turned into Fuck I Missed didn't it? but hey, at least you have two tops now! :lol: And an O a plant sounds pretty good to me! I'm aiming for that with my grow as well! You should make a journal too! I'd like to see the progress of your grow (maybe stealing some techniques doing so :roll:)
2 outdoor plants with an O as the final weight..? :-o Hmm... They were in pots I presume? and when did you plant those ladies?


Well-Known Member
I read in a thread that most of the light emitted from CFLs come from the sides of the bulbs, so I've revised my setup.
Can someone give me some insight on whether or not this is better than the way it was? Running 1 6500k and 5000k bulb on each of the splits! (both of the plants being closer to the 6500ks) :wink:Setup Revised.jpg


Well-Known Member
Both in 5 gal pots, planted sometime in March I think, kept in the garage under my 4' fixture four feet above my bench, for about 6 hours a day from sprout. LOL
Then they went outside late April, showed hairs in May sometime, and finished in November, with overcast weather from mid Sept. on.
One was pretty much Indica, (which I tried my hand at lollipopping) the other definitely Sativa.View attachment 2487736S-1oct22_zps96c3c64a.jpg


Well-Known Member
Both in 5 gal pots, planted sometime in March I think, kept in the garage under my 4' fixture four feet above my bench, for about 6 hours a day from sprout. LOL
Then they went outside late April, showed hairs in May sometime, and finished in November, with overcast weather from mid Sept. on.
One was pretty much Indica, (which I tried my hand at lollipopping) the other definitely Sativa.
Oh mother of Black Jesus... 6 hours of light a day?!:-o How'd they survive?!?! lmao. Also, Why'd you flower for so long? May to November so thats 6 months of flowering time... Good God. :shock: And how was the final product? I can't really tell from the pictures :lol:


Well-Known Member
Stuff was better than the stuff the seed came from, and I only flowered until I had mostly cloudy, then it was Nov., and not much sense in letting it sit out in the cold semi lit yard anymore.
And, as far as your first post, it looks great.
Yes you read right, it has been documented that more light comes from the sides than the ends, that's how I have mine also.


Well-Known Member
Ahh... Yeah, you're right about that one.. and I got some news.. I might need to get a less friendlier dog because of my sister's new demon pet :eek:
Scary isn't she?



Well-Known Member
Ahh... Yeah, you're right about that one.. and I got some news.. I might need to get a less friendlier dog because of my sister's new demon pet :eek:
Scary isn't she?
Ya rite!!!!!!!!!!

I do like guinea pigs and hamsters though.
Is that a guinea or a lop?
Second look, that looks like a lop ear.
Can you help,for one or two dwarf auto's,would a 125w dual spectrum be ok for meaty bud or would it be better to add another or add a 300w,on budget but first grow,wanna use biobizz,i dont know why people bother using one daylight bulb & the other,theres one bulb that does it all for auto's,half red,half blue,so the plant takes what it needs when it needs it,i dont want spindly buds so is it better to raise it to 300w for 1-2 plants,i only want to do it for me,grow dwarf style plants..LR1,red dwarf,mystic blue,(from nirvana & no odour & tastes of blueberry,& a auto),any suggestions please,can u send me message & private tipz-thanxz.