My first CFL grow!!!


Well-Known Member
oh yeah she is topped. i lowered it from the lights some and added more side lighting ....well actually moved the side lights more beside the plant. the topps are growing alot, there like an inch tall all ready. ill get more pics tomorrow . but thanks for subscribing to all ... oh and if anyone was wondering i have only used 1/4 strength nutes 2 times only since birth.


Well-Known Member
so here are the new pics that i just took of the 3 plants i have. the biggest one is now 24 days old i think.. its still a bushy plant . the new tops are growing really good . i gave them a good water today . thinking of starting 12 12 sometime on the week end. depends though.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, i think our plants are the same age

Oh shit there are haha mine are 24 days today! :mrgreen:

im going to update soon as well, keep up the good work man, in going to flower on the 1st on Feb


Well-Known Member
well i think you just made up my mind. makes better sense to start 1212 at the begining of the month. then we can compare! lol


Well-Known Member
so today i took a few more pics . the big girl is bushy! i m trying to tie down a couple of the branches (LST) i kinda wish she wasnt that bushy . but by tying down some branches i hope to let more light in. today im putting my lights to 20/4. . i know some say you can go into 12\12 right away but i wanna try going into it gradually. other then that all seems very well . i have had no problems yet . i only water when it feels dry with my finger, and only used nutes twice ever. my temp is always perfect.



lookin real good man.. i got a good cfl grow going on rightnow too.. about 3 weeks into flowering.. check it out

link is below---vvv


Well-Known Member
Thankseveryone. Yeah it sure has grown . Today I used some wire and tied down some more branches . Opened the whore right up .lol .all plants are kickin ass. I will have new pics tomorrow. I don't want to take them everyday so when u all see them , you'll be like "whoa".check tomorrow for new pics.


Well-Known Member
here are the new pics just takin today . you can see lots of new growth . they are sooooooooooo nice. on the largest one i noticed a little yellow tips on only some of the new growth .. anyone know why. ? and a couple leaves have a rusty tint .. but like i said just two . so im not that worried. my lst is also going great . the breanches are bending toward the light nicely.



Well-Known Member
dude you dont even know! this bitch is bushy! she needs a shave lol.! ive actually tied down like 5 branches . hoping to let lots of light inside. hoping to get more buds!!!!