My first bagseed grow...comments tips welcome


Well-Known Member
thanks sublimed appreciate the comments magne...

nice man! i am in envy!
haha thanks focus, just wait until you get all your new setup runnin and what not you'll be there in no time, im gonna take a little break after this first grow and move my closet the spare bedroom closet with some different ideas on coolin and whatnot..stay tuned and ill be stoppin by yours here in a bit brotha..

Lookin tasty :mrgreen:When are you gonna cut the other gals?
thanks chewwy, much love... um id have to say within the next couple o days becuase the trichs are getting pretty cloudy now, and wouldn't be suprised to see them starting to turn amber soon enough... :) yay cant wait.. ill be stoppin by your grow too bra...thanks for keepin check...peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Like sublimed said gorgeous !!!
Nice job man, damn now I have to go smoke another bowl after looking at those pics of that bud-porn.:peace::joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Like sublimed said gorgeous !!!
Nice job man, damn now I have to go smoke another bowl after looking at those pics of that bud-porn.:peace::joint::mrgreen:
haha thanks bigguy, always appreciated man :)

ok so last night i got this note on my door from the landlords that said there have been suspicious smells in the hallway and that there is a no drug policy in the building and if anyone is doin it they will be evicted immediately... there were a couple of other things on there like asking to please use the butt cans outside, and in and out traffic... but the wierd thing is i use the cans everytime, and me and my company are always quiet goin in and out late at night, because the apartment complex is old with thin walls... but when i went downstairs i seen other ppl had the same envelope lookin thing taped to the door so i dont think it was only geared towards me... but im cleanin out the apartment and getting rid of the dirt and shit tonight, i stashed the light and pots, and ducting and other shit, in boxes and bags in my locked bedroom, so when i go home at the end of the month ill take it with me and keep it at my dads after reading that last night i decided to take down all my drug related posters, tapestries etc.. and put them away..... but i also cut down my ladies!!! :) i kinda had to and rip down the whole closet... id rather be safe then sorry ya know, so i stayed up till 330 last night cutting, trimmin, packin up shit, scrubbin walls, etc... i left my camera here at work but ill go home and take some pics tonight, they were not quite done yet maybe another week tops im guessing, but i still id rather be safe then sorry, plus idk how much longer i was gonna be able to wait lol... well ill get some pics up tomorrow probably but thought i would let u all know that i wont be havin another journal for a while, until i feel it is safe again...let me know what u guys think, i feel safer now that everything is tore down and ready to dispose of... thanks again and happy growin, just because this stupid shit happened, doesn't mean im gonna disapper, i love this site so much and could never read enough info... might as well as gain knowledge to this timed out hobby of mine...peace more pics tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
well you have done the right thing man! always better safe then sorry..

i'll be so pissed off if i get scared out before harvest... my tent is almost complete and i dont think it'll be reuseable once it is torn down.


Well-Known Member
Well at least they were real close to done anyway.
Probably one of your neighbors that was burning one that prompted the note though.:eyesmoke::lol:
Just be glad that you got it all packed up in time just in case.8):peace:


Well-Known Member
Aww man buddddy! it was nice growing alongside ya on RIU! I chopped mine last nite!!!

66.8 grams wet weight...

Good luck with everything hope everything stays safe for you.



Well-Known Member
Well at least they were real close to done anyway.
Probably one of your neighbors that was burning one that prompted the note though.:eyesmoke::lol:
Just be glad that you got it all packed up in time just in case.8):peace:
yeah i think it was, theres these two apartments downstairs that are always partying and my gf knows they smoke pot, so thats it for the smoking part and being loud part lol, thank god they gave me a lil bit of a warning, because i was asked to stop smokin pot by my across the hall neighbor when i first moved in, ever since then i had moved all my smoking to the middle extra bedroom, where it is completely sealed with the window closed and smoke stays in there pretty good, so by all means i do think it was some neighbors that had pissd off my landlords, and thank "god" or whatever that i had a little heads up, plus they were about ready anyways so they are drying now in my closet with fans a rollin and door a locked... and yeah bigguy everything is packed up and ready to go lol... i might take everything back home and leave it at my dads for a while, just in case then i dont have to worry about anything...ill still be around though bigguy ill def be checkin your shit out... sorry for ramblin lol peace

Aww man buddddy! it was nice growing alongside ya on RIU! I chopped mine last nite!!!

66.8 grams wet weight...

Good luck with everything hope everything stays safe for you.

oh really dude yea it was a lot of fun, but im not gonna stop growin forever...oh no no no no no, just take a lil pause and let everything settle down a bit... nice wheightage, let me know when it all dries out man, yeah u too stay safe brotha happy growin...peace

i forgot to take my camera home from work last night to get some pics... doh... but tonight i will get them taken, then hopefully they will set up in the next couple o days, then i can cut all the pretty buds off and weigh em... any comments or anything of that sort is welcome.. peace


Well-Known Member
ok so i finally got some pics taken of the chopped ladies,ive been sick lately so it took me a bit, plus i am lazy, they look really tasty and should defineitly get me high lol, well here they are, when i go back home next weekend im taken all my grow shit back and gonna store it for a bit becuase of that letter, its just not worth losin my job and apartment and shit over you know, but i should still be posting comments maybe a thread here and there... keep in touch guys let me know what u think, ill let ya know what the final weigh in comes to be, they are still in the closet drying out the branches still dont really snap when i bend them, they just kinda bend over so a couple more days hangin up then i should be able to put them into my jars... thanks for stickin by my side guys it was a bunch of fun... happy growin as always...any comments or suggestions for next time just hit me up... peace



Well-Known Member
Looking mighty tasty Pce.
So did they all get seeds or just some?
I'm kinda pissed at my girls right now for not staying virgins too, but they still look amazing. I sure hope the high is still good for the yours and mine both.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Looking mighty tasty Pce.
So did they all get seeds or just some?
I'm kinda pissed at my girls right now for not staying virgins too, but they still look amazing. I sure hope the high is still good for the yours and mine both.:peace:
well for the most part these four didnt have too many seeds, i did have two more plants as u may have noticed but i just bagged them up and im just gonna try to make some hash outta them or some shit, its not worth pickin all the seeds out right now unless i really need to get high... yeah the ladies can be frustratin at times especially when u start seen seed pods.. o well its still smoke i grew myself and thats awesome i think... well i hope your girls stay true, and good luck ill be stoppin in a minute bigguy thanks for the comments peace


Well-Known Member
Those are some respectable buds man... how's it smoke.

well for the most part these four didnt have too many seeds, i did have two more plants as u may have noticed but i just bagged them up and im just gonna try to make some hash outta them or some shit, its not worth pickin all the seeds out right now unless i really need to get high... yeah the ladies can be frustratin at times especially when u start seen seed pods.. o well its still smoke i grew myself and thats awesome i think... well i hope your girls stay true, and good luck ill be stoppin in a minute bigguy thanks for the comments peace


Well-Known Member
Those are some respectable buds man... how's it smoke.
thanks man appreciate it... i haven't smoked any yet becuase they are still hangin up, i gotta let them dry out a bit more then i can cut the buds off and place them in jars to cure them, i haven't even really wanted to get high really just becuase i am stilla bit sick and my throat is killin me so i would much rather just wait till everything is done with... thanks for stoppin in again

Nice grow dude!
thanks for stoppin in mud gecko, did ya read the whole thing? lol jw happy growin dude, peace :)


Well-Known Member
well here are some more pics i took me a while to get it up but o well.. most of these plants i have already smoke hehe..couldn't help myself.. the big bong really tore up this lighter weed and thats why i had to smoke almost all of it lol.. o well theres some pics of my collection..i had a couple of other misc items but didnt put them in the pic not really necessary..hope u like lemme know what ya think..peace



Well-Known Member
ps the buds were good smoke just a little lighter on account to i had to cut about a week or two explains it all somewhere in my grow if your interested thanks for stoppin in peace