My first attemp at aeroponics.. Grapefruit Kush


Active Member
Yea no problem go ahead and post it will be nice to compare the two grows. What aero system are you using? I am going into my third week of flowering and I can already see little buds forming all over the place. The plants grow so damn fast in aero it is amazing, I am five weeks from clone and the biggest plant is two and half feet tall! I have grown in soil a few times before and I will continue to do so in the summer along with my indoor aero grow. I still have some seeds from Attitudes give away from DNA seeds, I am going to plant those outdoors and get clones from them to put in the aero set up. I grew some white widow before but I had some problems with fertilizer sensitivity.


My system is based on the "Stinkbuddies" site but modified to fit my space.The mother is 4 weeks into flowering and the buds are looking nice, although I am having a lot of trouble keeping the plant healthy.My white widow mother is 4 weeks in also and doing well in the aeroponics.I have had some stresses in my room(initial start up, GFI's popping, etc.) so I can't wait for the next round to go into flowering, which is 4 Grapefruits and 4 White widows.I will put up some pictures of my flower aero setup,there will be one more unit in the middle when the Grapefruit mother is done flowering.My big problem is going to be cleaning the system after harvest since I am on 3 week cycles.



Well-Known Member
Yea no problem go ahead and post it will be nice to compare the two grows. What aero system are you using? I am going into my third week of flowering and I can already see little buds forming all over the place. The plants grow so damn fast in aero it is amazing, I am five weeks from clone and the biggest plant is two and half feet tall! I have grown in soil a few times before and I will continue to do so in the summer along with my indoor aero grow. I still have some seeds from Attitudes give away from DNA seeds, I am going to plant those outdoors and get clones from them to put in the aero set up. I grew some white widow before but I had some problems with fertilizer sensitivity.
I just love the White Widow. I got them from Dutch passion, by far the best shit I've smoked. I also did a batch of White Russian which is half WW, it was a little too strong for social gatherings. did I say that.

I ordered some seeds from the attitude. I'm going to try some Dairy Queen, it's a mix of Romualan, C99, and and UK cheese. The breeders are TGA subcool.

These NFT systems are the bomb. They work so well. I'm just trying to nail down the dream strain to get it rocking.


Active Member
Whats happenin everyone? Today I started to tie down some more of my girls(I guess they like it rough) they were growing right up to the class on my reflector so I used some fishing line to tie them down. I am worried about the taller plants covering the smaller ones but I am running out of options. I was able to move my light up another couple of inches. Next time I am definitely going to veg them for less time. It looks like the roots have grown a bunch in the last couple of days. I am on weeks 7 of the FF feeding schedule and still at week 3 of flowering. More and more little buds are showing up. By my calender I have about 5 more weeks until harvest. I hope I get at least a half pound dry. Does that sound reasonable?:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Most I've ever got out of a 14 holer is 10.5 oz. I'm hoping to get co2 injection to get up to the 1lb mark. You will be lucky to get more than 1 oz a plant but it still is a lot. You will have to get up to 600 watt and 1000 watt lights to get up to the 1/2 lb mark but it's something to shoot for. Good luck


Active Member
I was getting just over an OZ per plant with the same light in soil so I was just hoping to get more than that with the aero set up. I will just get what I get I cant complain growing it is way cheaper than buying it. I haven't had to buy it in a year so I am more than happy. I just got myself all excited thinking I was going to blow away my previous numbers with the more advanced set up.


Well-Known Member
I was getting just over an OZ per plant with the same light in soil so I was just hoping to get more than that with the aero set up. I will just get what I get I cant complain growing it is way cheaper than buying it. I haven't had to buy it in a year so I am more than happy. I just got myself all excited thinking I was going to blow away my previous numbers with the more advanced set up.
I wouldn't expect more with an aero system, but it should be a lot quicker than soil


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't expect more with an aero system, but it should be a lot quicker than soil
I start my mother's in dirt then I take some clones and get them going in hydro world. It's almost painful seeing how slow they grow in soil. Once they hit the fence post watch out. Might want to go to a garden center and buy some floral tape to tie down your girls with, It's green and stretches with the growth, easy to tie. Looking really good, you are going to like the way it produces smoke, I guarantee it.


Thought I would add some pictures that I took last night. I moved 4 Grapefruit Kush clones and 4 White Widows into flower in aeroponics. Also some close ups of my Grapefruit (former mother, I had to flower her since she is to big for my space) that is in soil, this is day 29 of 12/12 under a 1000 watt HPS and a top view of the aeroponic White widow @ day 29. I like the look of the Grapefruit buds better.



Very nice fellas. Stan i had a question on your aero system. Your root growth is crazy and I was wondering what you kept you water levels at in the grow arms. Ive just begun my 1st grow using an aeroflo system, plants have been in system for about 6 days. Roots are growing but look nothing like yours. Any suggestions on increasing root mass?


I have been following the "Stinkbuddies" site for nutrients. 2000 PPM and a 1 minute on 5 minute off cycle. My roots grow like mad, I have 3 week old clones with 12" roots.


What do you mean by arms? If you are mean the areas that hold the plants there is no "standing" water . The roots should not be sitting in water. They get sprayed with water/nutrients for 1 minute and then get air for 5 minutes.The volume of water in my veg resivior is about 6 gallons or 2/3 full. in my bloom resivior there is probaly closer to 10 gallons or 1/2 full. Did this answer your questions?


yes I believe so. Thank you. I was under the impression that water was to remain in the grow arms and that the spraylines spray recycled water down to create air bubbles. Its these bubbles that allow for the plant to grow.

I'm using hydroton in my cups. So I should have my sprayline aimed at my growing medium? base of grow arm? side walls of grow arm? I'm glad I found this post. My friend has been helping me with this, but i've been wondering why growth has been taking so long. He has been providing me with the wrong idea about aeroponics.

Thanks Ned. Do you mind if I keep in contact during this process? Any help you could provide would be great!


Active Member
Here are some new pics Week 5 of flowering, I can see all kinds of bud sites and they are starting to smell. I had to tie down even more branches and then retie the ones I did before they just dont stop getting bigger.



Well-Known Member
Looking really good Santee. Your roots are a really nice color. I just ran the ducting for my air cooled lights. You sure can get some nice intensity to the plants when you have air cooled reflectors. Very nice grow.