My first atempt at hydro? growing


Active Member
Its my first time growing with hydro, kind of an experiment.
I used a small shelf and turned it into kind of like a mini closet, it still needs more work... I plan on working on it every night after i get home from work.
my first seed sprouted in toilet paper yesterday, I planted it in the hydroton last night, and this morning its already up, I'm not currently using nutes..

im using a rubbermaid tub, I have a small pump that's pumping water to 4 pots, the hose im using is leaking so i need to fix that tonight, and also an air-stone to keep the water oxygenated. Im currently only growing one plant (that way if it doesn't work I don't waste seeds) the strain is one of my own that ive been growing the last few years outdoors.

I have a small desk fan to circulate air inside the closet, and wired up an old PC fan to push warm air out.

I only have the water half way full currently, not really sure how much to put in, I have to get my ph test kit from my dads place since I forgot it there, and planning to get a digital thermometer to keep track of water temprature.

What do u think? I'm looking for tips or advice, thank you.

(I will put up pics tonight)


Active Member
i like it, looks good to me man. i dont really know what im talking about but it looks like youve got it sorted :)


Good idea with keeping an eye on water temperature. Since you are growing in a closet and don't have a large exhaust fan I think this may be your biggest issue.
Keeping water temperature low should be a very high priority. Also keep the room temperature low(they very much go hand-in-hand); I never let my room get above 85 and have seen many new growers who let it ride into the 90's and wonder why their buds are so fluffy.

Cheers and have fun!