My fan leafs problems

My fan leafs have Lil white powder looking like stuff want to know if it's from over load of nutes pls help post pics later


Well-Known Member
i use serenade for my pm probs and its been workin great for me....i like it because its organic but there are other things u can use too like eagle 20 i think its called or sulfer burners(not my fav), neem oil works really good as a preventitive and might work for you if its not that bad yet but like i said i use sure youll get some other opinions on this too btw...


Well-Known Member
if you do go with serenade or any spray like it read the directions carefully and spray when the lights are OFF.
It is powdery mildew, common in NorCal, you need to increase your ventilation and lower you humidity. You should cut out the infected leaves if you are close to harvest. They sell many products for this, and you can use baking soda, milk, and many other home remedies. It is Powder Mildew aka PM. If you can get yourself some Eagle 20, you will be golden, don't spray anything unless you have 3 weeks or more left


Well-Known Member
can you not be so close. at least get a focused picture ~_~

But just guessing, that looks like THC. it's just highgrade bud trichomes


Active Member
sorry to bring this back up...

so i can just clean the leaves with a napkin and skim milk? even tho if the plant is like 5 weeks old?


Well-Known Member
Everything I've read implies that you spray it with a 1 part skim milk and 9 part water mix, havent heard anything about just wiping it on...