My escaping roots are turning green


What up, im runnin an ebb and flow/ recycling nutes/ AN 3 part + voodoo juice + b 52. Plants are in veg doin pretty good. The plants are in hydrocorn pots on the table and the table isnt covered. When the roots escape the pots theyre starting to turn green (only the ones outside the pots) Should i be concerned about this? And thats the issue, can I add h202 even though I added voodoo juice before? (I'll of course stop adding the voodoo if I go to h202) View attachment 2466886


Well-Known Member
my flowering plants are sog and i put plastic on the tops of the pots but still get some green around the edges of the tray from time to time. its not good. but its not the end of the world. a quick squirt with some light bleach solution will kill it off. or just put more pots in there so theres not so much light. h2o2 isnt usually strong enough. bring on the anti bleach flames lol.


New Member
What up, im runnin an ebb and flow/ recycling nutes/ AN 3 part + voodoo juice + b 52. Plants are in veg doin pretty good. The plants are in hydrocorn pots on the table and the table isnt covered. When the roots escape the pots theyre starting to turn green (only the ones outside the pots) Should i be concerned about this? And thats the issue, can I add h202 even though I added voodoo juice before? (I'll of course stop adding the voodoo if I go to h202) View attachment 2466886
I'd fill it with hydroton or get you a rockwool mat and let the roots grow down into that.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a bunch of expensive messy hydroton youll have to deal with then. put a piece of panda plastic across the top and just cut holes the size of the pots.


New Member
sounds like a bunch of expensive messy hydroton youll have to deal with then. put a piece of panda plastic across the top and just cut holes the size of the pots.
Keep in mind Ebb n Flo system. They hydroton isn't very messy at all. Wash it off real good before you use it. Some say soak it in PH balanced water for a while but I don't. I just rinse all the dirt and crap that is on them when you initially open the package and then use them. They hydroton will allow those roots to extend out of the pots and continue to grow. By doing this, technically you increase the pot size. They will grow out of the bottom and start wandering around in the hydroton. Bigger roots and root mass, bigger plants and better results. Hydroton is dirt cheap. Filler up!


New Member
Its called air pruning, happens all the time I would not worry too much. Finishing in that size of container you will no doubt see a lot of it.

Healthy looking girls!


New Member
Its called air pruning, happens all the time I would not worry too much. Finishing in that size of container you will no doubt see a lot of it.

Healthy looking girls!
Yep. They will air prune. Some people are okay with it and some aren't.


Well-Known Member
i guess its all relative. why use pots at all if you are going to fill the tray. idk. sounds like a nightmare. I hate that dirty red staining shit. I run straight perlite. Its light weight and cheap as shit. and doesnt scream "im growing pot" when you throw it away. I would never reuse a grow medium. thats just asking for trouble. I know lots of people clean their hydroton but thats just one more step im not willing to take. I tried a couple times way back in the day but the nasty root mat and hairs get all over and you end up cleaning each fucking ball individually. I still remember thinking this is dumb as hell there has to be a better way.
I guess it also depends on how much you are running though. I go through a big bag of perlite weekly.


New Member
i guess its all relative. why use pots at all if you are going to fill the tray. idk. sounds like a nightmare. I hate that dirty red staining shit. I run straight perlite. Its light weight and cheap as shit. and doesnt scream "im growing pot" when you throw it away. I would never reuse a grow medium. thats just asking for trouble. I know lots of people clean their hydroton but thats just one more step im not willing to take. I tried a couple times way back in the day but the nasty root mat and hairs get all over and you end up cleaning each fucking ball individually. I still remember thinking this is dumb as hell there has to be a better way.
I guess it also depends on how much you are running though. I go through a big bag of perlite weekly.
Perlite is a water pump nuisance.


Rebel From The North
Covering the table will no doubt lead to mold! Mold = bad. Algae isnt all that bad its more a eye sore then anything!
if its a issue clean your table often enough to elliminate the build up. Root pruning is common on tables, your setup
is just like mine! And i dont sweat the algae much. Fyi the algae will grow on the hydroton and thats harder to clean
then a table.


New Member
Covering the table will no doubt lead to mold! Mold = bad. Algae isnt all that bad its more a eye sore then anything!
if its a issue clean your table often enough to elliminate the build up. Root pruning is common on tables, your setup
is just like mine! And i dont sweat the algae much. Fyi the algae will grow on the hydroton and thats harder to clean
then a table.
If you cut a mylar cover for the hydroton, keeps the root temps down and cuts out 95% of the algae.

Basically what I would do is fill the remainder of the bin up with hydroton, then get you some reflective material and make a light shield for the bin. When I run reflector covers on my waterfarm kits, the roots will actually start growing upwards and right to the drip rings.


New Member
i use the big chunks and dont have a problem. I also cover my pumps with pantyhose. I rinse my perlite before using it so most of the initial dust is gone.
Pantyhose? Never thought of that. I'll add that to my arsenal of knowledge. That's a real good idea. I'm assuming it works pretty good on a passive or flood table hydro setup, but I think (depending on the water pump you run) that the pantyhose would slow down the flow rate of the pump making it pretty unpredictable/unreliable in an active circulating hydro setup?

Your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
i havent noticed any flow difference. My wife actually got me these things like pantyhose but black people wear them on their heads at night or something. Way smaller but the same material. She got them from the dollar store cheap as hell. I use on all my pumps instead of those bags you get at the grow store which are to stiff and hard to deal with. I've never had one clog up or anything.


New Member
i havent noticed any flow difference. My wife actually got me these things like pantyhose but black people wear them on their heads at night or something. Way smaller but the same material. She got them from the dollar store cheap as hell. I use on all my pumps instead of those bags you get at the grow store which are to stiff and hard to deal with. I've never had one clog up or anything.
Not a bad idea at all. My fix was just to switch mediums. The clay simply cannot get to the pumps even if it wanted to.


Rebel From The North
If you cut a mylar cover for the hydroton, keeps the root temps down and cuts out 95% of the algae.

Basically what I would do is fill the remainder of the bin up with hydroton, then get you some reflective material and make a light shield for the bin. When I run reflector covers on my waterfarm kits, the roots will actually start growing upwards and right to the drip rings.
One of the biggest plus to the tables is not having to use much medium :) adding ton to it would negate that for me, only thing
i cover is the top of the medium with plastic sqaures! Once the plants get going the leaves will shade the roots and algae and
root pruning will stop.