My Dog Just Jacked A Bud!!!!!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Ain't that a bitch! I sat down with a nice size bud.... put it on the coffee table..... picked up my bong to put ice in it. Came back to couch and bud was gone :shock:.

At first I didn't even suspect the dog. I assumed it fell off the table and went under it or the couch, so I moved them both and nope... no bud. Looked in couch cushions, kitchen counter, fridge, freezer and trash.... nope... nowhere. Only then did it dawn on me that my dog must have ate it.

I called him over... pried open his mouth and searched his teeth for any bits of "green"... nope I didn't see any.... but I wouldn't put it past him to grab and swallow (like he does when he swipes food).

Anyway... I have no proof it was him.... but we are the only 2 in the house and I've searched everywhere for that bud. I think it's in his belly.

Hmmmm I wonder if I'll be able to tell if he's high??? He's never begged for a hit and I don't like to force it on my animals so I've never seen him high before. He's about 110 pounds so I'm not worried that he can't handle ingesting a bud.

He'll probably love it and try and swipe more... I'm gonna have to keep my eye on him!! :mrgreen:

The Stig

Well-Known Member
Hes probably very happy and relaxed right now lol... :blsmoke:

Some months ago that also append to someone here (I dont remember who :-?) but I remember the pic of the dog lay down pretty baked haha :mrgreen:

Poppa Thug

Active Member
I remember coming home one night around 3am from an overnight job which also included re upping my supply of Herer and ad the routine set, Ac ouple of sammiches and a mug of my favortie Blackberry tea and a fatty, long story short(Yeah Right, I'm a stoner! ) I'm in the kitchen after placing my latest purchase on the living room coffee table...As I'm getting my Pre mucnhies together I hear a rustling noise that would start for a moment , then stop...It's coming from the living room and I thought; "Oh Shit, Mister Mann!!", my stoner cat...Mister was definitely a special cat since he loved to sit up at my chest while toking and would only stay there if I shot gunned him with my stash...Try blowing cig smoke in his grill and he'd freak, normally by pawing you in the mug...anyways (sorry) I run intothe living room and heres Mister, om his back playfully wrestling with my lovely 1/8 of my namesake...needless to say I was glad I had hardwood floors and alot of patience....but I was still able to enjoy my purchase...Mister Mann was disciplined that night and missed out on sharing...then again with the amount he ate, he was OK with being locked in the bedroom...

El Duderino

Active Member
Lol! You had better be careful where you put your bud around my house. Ive got 2 pits that will fight over it and a chiuauah that will shred it into as many tiny pieces as possible.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I don't know if he's baked or not.... he's passed out sleeping... but he does that every night.

LOL...check out how he sleeps. He will find a wall and prop his head up against it. He does this in every room.... he's funny.... :D



Active Member
my rotty when she was a puppy, tried to swipe my bag right in front of me, straight walked up and tried to jack it like it was nothing, then gave me those sad brown eyes like im sorry! will you burn me out? needless to say we laid on the couch for hours watchin tv, just tokin up. I love dogs they do some of the funniest stuff sometimes.

btw you got a cool ass buddy chillin there, whats his name?

splif face killah

Active Member
to date: my basset hound puppy has eaten dub sacks, as well as 2 clones and a nice chomp out my mother plant. he loves weed and since he's a hound he can smell it from ways away. whenever i sit on my porch and wait for the weed guy, he jumps up when he's around the corner and dosen't leave him alone until he leaves.

in high school we had one of those vocational joints they bused you to for a class or two. i took animal science and among the many animals they had there was a goat cage in the auto body lot where i would toke up during class. you ever seen jim brewers impression of a goat? thats exactly what they're like when they get high and its funny as hell.


Well-Known Member
do u guys get moths and insects high?

me and a couple of mates have started doing this recently. A big moth is hillarious, mainly just sit on your arm after a while with their wings spread wide open. After bout 5 mins it flies off!!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
dogs dont eat weed he's probably hid it somewhere so you get a nice surprise one day

LOL... dogs will eat cat turds out of a litter box... what makes you think they won't eat weed? :mrgreen:

Actually I'd be more pissed if he wasted it by burying it somewhere. I'd rather he ate it and enjoyed the high :eyesmoke:


Active Member
:-D I love dogs. I guess you'll just have to write that one off.
I hate people that blow smoke in animals faces but if your dog likes to eat it after trying it the first time and you can afford it, I guess there's nothing wrong with hooking up your best friend.

I was sitting on my floor smoking and watching tv with about a 2 grams on a plate and my rabbit (RIP) with me one time. I looked down and see that little mouth going nom nom nom nom and half my pile gone. I swear rabbits are like 2 year olds, you turn your back for 5 seconds and they get into anything.
Well I could tell she was baked after a while because instead of running around the house, she just laid down and chilled. Got the two of us some yum yums and watched tv stoned.

I think most animals have a higher tolerance or something though because my rabbit didn't pass out despite eating a gram and having such a low body weight. Just stopped doing binkies and running around.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
:-D I love dogs. I guess you'll just have to write that one off.
I hate people that blow smoke in animals faces but if your dog likes to eat it after trying it the first time and you can afford it, I guess there's nothing wrong with hooking up your best friend.

I was sitting on my floor smoking and watching tv with about a 2 grams on a plate and my rabbit (RIP) with me one time. I looked down and see that little mouth going nom nom nom nom and half my pile gone. I swear rabbits are like 2 year olds, you turn your back for 5 seconds and they get into anything.
Well I could tell she was baked after a while because instead of running around the house, she just laid down and chilled. Got the two of us some yum yums and watched tv stoned.

I think most animals have a higher tolerance or something though because my rabbit didn't pass out despite eating a gram and having such a low body weight. Just stopped doing binkies and running around.
Knock knock. Who's There? Stale. Stale who? Stale Post.

i'm sure she did write that bud off, 3 years agoo....