my dank ass plant that died on me....


Active Member
well these r the plants i was tellin u guys about, the ones that that i transplanted into the ground and they fuckin died of shock, well the other litlle ones u see there were my buddys, but the big ones were mine, it hurts so bad to even look at the pics, and also, i was wondering, would this red cabinet be good for growing bud in, look it even has a lock on it, that lamp is wat i started the seedlings of those plants u see there with, which means they came along way for nothing. well enjoy and gimme a lot of comments please!!



Well-Known Member
hardening is placing your plants outside for a littlebit everyday to help them get accustomed to the weather/wind and sun. it also helps to strengthen the stalk


Well-Known Member
You mean you just planted them outside recently? It's too cold in most of the world to do that unless you live on gilligans island or something.

Yes that cabinet is enough for a few tiny plants, power it with one of the $20 150w hps's and that's all you'll need.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I put mine outside anytime it gets too crowed in my growroom! I harden mine off by putting them in the shade for a couple days. Once they are outside they are not going back in! What exactly did you do to your plants.


Well-Known Member
You mean you just planted them outside recently? It's too cold in most of the world to do that unless you live on gilligans island or something.

I don't live on Gilligans Island but It's 36c here today.
Last time I looked there were more than a handful of people living in the Southern Hemisphere too.


Well-Known Member
That's what I meant about gilligans island, you'd need to be in a more tropical or warmer climate than most of us are in. It was just a joke, apparently a bad one.


New Member
fuck gilligan's faggot ass. bob denver sucks cock in hell. never banged those 2 chicks or grew pot on that island.


Dude, you can't just take a plant you've been growing indoors and plant it outside in the middle of winter in any part of Norcal. Temps are probably getting below freezing at night. Do a little reading up on outdoor growing before you destroy another beautiful plant. Live and learn though, don't beat yourself up now.


Well-Known Member
I actually liked that show, and it's still kind of funny if you are really really baked. I think it was made for stoners.


Well-Known Member
Lil dude's cool. fuck gilligan. i'd have so much tree on that island it would be green.
Here is the lesson for time you go on a three hour tour, take along some beans or cuttings just in case...:bigjoint:

Then, hut, hammock, couple of hot dumb chicks, coconuts...besides the occasional headhunters, if you grew on the island there would be no reason to be rescued...and smoke out the headstash hunters and who knows?
Club Med(ical cannabis)!!!



New Member
The great escape is better. Charles bronson is the baddest motherfucker of all time. MUSTACHE POWER! Hogan would put Gilligan in an SS outlit and send his ass to russia.