My baby!


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow. I has been a little over a month for this Ortega Indica clone. Its just over a foot now. I'm kinda concerned about its height this normal for one month of veg?

Anyways, i have 1 6000k 105w (=500w) CFL, 1 7500k 105w CFL, and 2 30w clf's. Planted in miracle grow, A few drops of SUPERthrive with every other watering, and the occasional low concentrate spray of Miracle Gro's All purpose plant food when it's time for lights out. 18/6 light...I've had a mild case of spider mites 2 times, but a cold water spray down with carbonated water seemed to do the trick. Havnt seen any for a couple weeks now. I keep the room at 75-80 at all times. It looks healthy, but again I'm hoping the height isn't going to be an issue.



Well-Known Member
Im going to add 2 more shortly. I have a smaller cupboard for vegging seeds and smaller clones, i want to start a cycle so i can harvest every 2 months or so. 2-3 in veg, and when ready to harvest, move them to flower, and replace with new vegging plants. Its just for personal use. Yeah its sexed. Its starting to smell now too. It stinks SO good. Im just so glad the hard part of aquiring all the nessesities is over and now the even harder part. waiting...but its so beautiufl. If anything it makes you appriciate what you smoke. Knowing all the work and time that goes into that 20 sack. Its worth every penny :)


Well-Known Member
Got some new pics after doing some training, super cropping, and topping...shes looking very healthy. im very pleased with this plant :)
Tell me what you think :mrgreen:



New Member
Nice grow. I am also growing ortega indica plants. You don't see many grows with ortega. If you link to journal in my signature, you'll see what I have going. I'm scrogging 2 ortega plants, and I'm LST'ing 2 more ortegas. The LST prtegas are in 36hrs of dark right now, and they go into 12/12 on Sunday. My Ortega Scrog is at 3 weeks in flower.

I questioned my ortega's growth just like you did. They looked healthy, but the growth seemed stunted. I did some research and I found a website that wrote about the ortega indica plants looking miniature as they grow, but the yield is still good. I hope that clears things up for you so you don't question your nutes or watering.

Is says this is a cfl grow, but is that a cooltube in there? HPS?


Well-Known Member
Sorry havnt been here in awhile and im also very happy to see another Ortega grower!
Yes, i saw soon after that the plant is going pretty well, despite the "scares." I will update some pics for those watching today too. Its in its 6-7th week of flower now and im pretty happy with the results. To answer your questions, I am using a 105w CFL, 2 30w cfl (2700k of course) along with a 400 HPS. I wish i had a cool tube! what you are seeing is a makeshift carbon filter for smell..heat has been a little issue for me and its kinda agrivating, but ive rigged up a "swamp cooler" contrapption that makes the temps livable.(80-85 durning lights, 75-80 lights off) My leaves turned a purple red pretty early into flower(about 3 weeks) and mature leaves and turning yellow and falling off, but buds look great, lots of tricoms, yay. anyways, it looks like 2-4 weeks of flower left. ive also heard in a medical dispensery that Ortega can take a little longer than most strains to finsish. Cant wait...been so patient. lol. anyways. here she is.

