My baby girls leaves are drooping! Somebody help me out?


New Member
Hello all, So I just noticed some of my leaves are starting to droop today maybe about 5 leaves or so, could be from over watering. I am going to back off a little and find out. I just fed her this morning and I am pretty sure she doesn't like the nutes I have for her so I think I am going to stop giving them to her all together. If anyone can tell me if they think other wise or agree? She is about 1 month old been watering twice a week and feeding once. Shes in a 1 gal pot. Medium is vermisoil, temps are 20-27 C and RH is 50-70%. The strain is Green Crack.
photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpg Thanks.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Over watering like you washes all the nutes out creates an imbalance in the soil, and robs the plant rootlets of oxygen, yeah plants breathe too in leaves and roots, that said never be afraid to flush
..Flush with 3 times the volume of the pot, with air temperate Ph neutral water, allow to recover in dim light, one day or overnight......avoid feeding for 2 weeks then resume at half the current rate only resume, when you see a positive improvement.
yep looks overwatered unless you just watered right before you took these pics...and the curling of the leaf tips in the first picture indicates N toxicity to me, could also be the cause of the burnt tips...definitely lighten up the nutes a tad bit and wait a little longer in between waterings

i personally don't think you need to flush unless your leaves are getting crispy indicating salt build up...otherwise they look pretty healthy


New Member
Ive flushed her once due to nute burn, in result I lightened the mixture from 1tsp to a 1/2 tsp-1 gal tap water. I just fed her this just this morning. I will wait longer in between waterings. Thanks for the responses guys. ;-)


New Member
Im using Earth Juice Sugar peak Veg 2-part formula, but I dont think she is liking it. What are you guys opinions on not using nutes at all? Any opinions on the product I have? I also have Bonnie Veg and Fruit plant food with a higher N ratio. Any ideas on what to use? I mixed both a 1/2 tsp. each in a gal of water and fed her this mix this morning. Then took the pictures roughly an hour or so after.


New Member
I also only been giving her 1 day of no watering in between watering and feeding. I see how I should wait longer in between watering.
Im using Earth Juice Sugar peak Veg 2-part formula, but I dont think she is liking it. What are you guys opinions on not using nutes at all? Any opinions on the product I have? I also have Bonnie Veg and Fruit plant food with a higher N ratio. Any ideas on what to use? I mixed both a 1/2 tsp. each in a gal of water and fed her this mix this morning. Then took the pictures roughly an hour or so after.
well the plant needs nutes in some form or another, whether they come from a nute solution or directly from the soil. so unless you have a super soil then you're going to need to continue giving it nutes. the idea with supersoil is that all of the nutrients are present as some organic compound, and the bioavailability (essentially the ease at which the plant can uptake/utilize these nutrients) of these organic compounds tends to be higher than artificial nute solutions. as a result supersoils tend to be classified as 'hot' meaning they're suuuuper packed with nutes and not really ideal for seedlings. so to relate all this back to your plant, you could definitely mix/buy a batch of supersoil and transplant this plant into that new soil, and you could probably avoid giving it any nutes until a couple weeks into flower, maybe even longer. or just continue to feed it like you are now in existing soil, which is also fine...i would definitely lower the N a bit for next feeding like i said earlier. can't speak to your brand of nutes directly though....anyway, best of luck, keep us updated!

edit: oh and with your watering, like twostroke said, you should try to water less often. personally i don't even feel the soil when i water i just wait for the stems to become a bit flaccid and droopy


New Member
Thanks. The NPK ratio for my nutes are 8-4-4 for the Bonnie plant food, and 3-2-5 for the Earth Juice Sugar peak. What would you recommend giving her for nutes? I plan on keeping my current soil and using my nutes unless it starts burning her then I guess I would have to get a "hotter" soil mix and get rid of the liquid nutes all together. Do I have too much N in my nutes for her?
Thanks. The NPK ratio for my nutes are 8-4-4 for the Bonnie plant food, and 3-2-5 for the Earth Juice Sugar peak. What would you recommend giving her for nutes? I plan on keeping my current soil and using my nutes unless it starts burning her then I guess I would have to get a "hotter" soil mix and get rid of the liquid nutes all together. Do I have too much N in my nutes for her?
if that clawing and burnt tips like you see in the first picture are recent developments, then yes I would say you have too much N in your mixture. fixing that isn't so much about getting a new brand of nutes it's much more simply about decreasing the amount of nutes you're feeding the plant. next time you water i would give her plain water and then next time you feed nutes i would take whatever you just gave them and cut it in half.


New Member
Ya I just lowered the mix from 1 tsp to 1/2 tsp. That is old burn tips from my first feeding. Ive lowered it since then. Might have to lower it again if I dont see any improvments.


Well-Known Member
A good way to figure watering intervals is not to water till the stalk limps from lack of water.

I use happy frog soil almost no nutes at all in it.
I could get a healthy plant that size with plain water in HF and
Might consider light nutes at that size before def signs show.
