My babies are dying I'm begging for help


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I cannot find anything to complain about in this. (For those who know me, I just gave c2g high praise.) I mean ... if it works ... :mrgreen:

As for tap water and FFOF, which has organic (slow) nutes afaik, the tap water might slow their release by applying a brake to the microherd. I'm purely guessing though. cn
ROFLMAO well better than being damned with faint praise hahahaaaaaaaa ;) Yeah it really works for my soilless right now. That's the part of soil I'm very worried about that cec and micro interactions are like learning to fly and dealing with the lag, tough thing to learn to finesse.
Thank you cn,


Well-Known Member
Also, I use straight unpH'ed tap water and if I'm not careful with my soil mix ratios.. the FFOF will still burn seedlings.

That's too bad Curious2garden. Thanks though, it's the tought that counts, lol. I would have loved another rep. It's good for the soul and would boost my frankly minimal self esteem, lol.
These two here are being grown with them expect they only received water. I noticed one is really dark green but its first two leaves are dis coloring. And I noticed the other ones leaf is turning brown. Why is that if I only gave it water? This is driving me fucking insane



Well-Known Member
Ocean Forest is too hot for germinating/seedlings.

Here is my two cents, try transplanting them into another soil, like light warrior or any seed starting mix really. Then water them in with just enough to get the soil moist.
If you can't do that then as a last resort maybe flush the soil... Idk if that will help at this point though.

I hope someone corrects me if I'm giving bad advice.
If you learn not to water too much the first couple weeks, they will be fine, I grow in MG and it's the hottest soil IMO for seedlings, and now that's all I grow in start to finish..

001.jpg OG Kush sprouted 3 days ago in MG
3.jpg Blue Rhino 4 weeks from sprout, just fimmed, and in MG
Capture.PNG Same Blue Rhino 32 days in flower all in MG...the point is MG is hotter than FFoF by far, you just need to be patient :hump:


Well-Known Member
Sigh... the seed leaves will discolor. Don't worry about them. Think of them as an umbilical cord; they supply needed food in the begining of life, but once the true leaves arrive the plant has no more use for them and they eventually fall off.

As a few of us have said... your soil is too high in N for seedlings. It likely won't be long before these start looking like the others, but they may not be as bad considering you haven't given them any 6-4-4 fertilizer. Be careful, watch them. Don't over water! The dark green leaves could very well be a sign of high N intake unless it is just a trait of the variety you are growing. They do look much darker... alarmingly darker than they should be.

We've all messed up plants before. You won't believe the freak accidents and the excessive TLC my plants have had in the past. Just try to learn from it and move on. Cannabis is a very resilient plant, so don't give up on them yet. Just get you some more seeds and get them started just in case.

Be sure to go through and read everyones advice.


Well-Known Member
Hey Rik I want to ask you something I've been trying lately. I am guilty of overfeeding on occasion. What I've started doing when I see I've intentionally uh oh'ed is fed them non phed tap water. This effectively for me seems to quickly correct things as I can flush them immediately and at the same time slam the door on the nutrient uptake. Then it depends on how bad the over feed was, I give only unPh'ed or Ph'ed water.

That's seemed to work well for me. Now I run hydro only. I'm just beginning to think about soil. I wonder if the OP gave them tap water if it might buffer them from the FFOF nutes for a seedling? hmmmmmm I'll have to ask cn too what he thinks on that. But so far it's been working for me.
If you wana know the truth...I phed my tap water once, it read 6.6, since then I don't even PH any more. My nutes only raised my PH by .2 and my plants seem to love it...I do let it set for 24 hours at least to evap the chorine, and I'm growing in the hottest soil out there...Miracle Gro...and I'm still a n00b (to myself if no one else) and I don't like the idea of having to check my setup like can (now) just water or feed and let them do the rest...I'm still learning, but I think I'm off to a good start for my second grow with a little knowledge :lol:


Well-Known Member
I grow in MG and it's the hottest soil IMO for seedlings, and now that's all I grow in start to finish..
Riknstein, your plants do look great but I wouldn't recommend for a new gardener/grower to use a high N soil for germinating seeds; I'm not comfortable with it myself. I'm just trying to help him with his plants, not start a debate on his thread. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Riknstein, your plants do look great but I wouldn't recommend for a new gardener/grower to use a high N soil for germinating seeds; I'm not comfortable with it myself. I'm just trying to help him with his plants, not start a debate on his thread. :peace:
That's cool bro, me neither, I'm just sayin if I can do it so can he if he has a little patients and waters less...My very first bean sprouted Jan 26, 2013, it's the one budding in the last pic I posted..I just had to take the good advice that a bunch of people like Bakatare, hotrodharley, althor, thatboyis1uvakind and a bunch of others who grow in hot soil gave me..don't water so much.. hey bro no hard feelings, it's preference more than anything, and trial and error my friend, have a good one


Well-Known Member
A lot of people use Fox Farm Light Warrior for starting seeds. You can really use any cheap top soil as long as it doesn't have a lot of bark in it. (Bark just causes problems as it impedes root growth in some instances and doens't hold moisture very well.) Also, if you look, many times you can find soil labeled seed starter; often it is in smaller print.

I love FFOF, you just have to wait until your plants get established better. Too much of a good thing too soon.
Keep your FFOF and mix it with some light warrior if you get it or any soil or peat, etc. about a 50/50 ratio should be good enough for starting seeds.

If you're curious. I mix up roughly equal parts of FFOF, Roots Organic, Earth Worm Castings, and Coco Coir; plus other smaller portioned ingredients. I've started seeds in this with no problem.

Just calm down and take a breath. I know it sucks and you can't really help but feel frantic, but that's not going to help anything. Calm....


Active Member
Help I don't know what they need I lost two plants to this already thy are about a week old and I gave two teaspoons of grow big mixed with gallon of water a few days ago and today I gave it coconut water since I believed it was calcium defie net but I see no progress. I'm using frog soil please help me asap
Once a plant is this size I would be removing baggies from the cups...(baggies are to help the little seedling retain its moisture) and how far are your cfls? ( I can see them in the that I said that, what is the reflection coming from?)


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Also, I use straight unpH'ed tap water and if I'm not careful with my soil mix ratios.. the FFOF will still burn seedlings.
Damn! That is what both cn and I worried about. Hopefully these can be saved but with 10 cc of Grow Big (6-4-4)/gal and in FFOF I think he's in deep trouble.


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If you wana know the truth...I phed my tap water once, it read 6.6, since then I don't even PH any more. My nutes only raised my PH by .2 and my plants seem to love it...I do let it set for 24 hours at least to evap the chorine, and I'm growing in the hottest soil out there...Miracle Gro...and I'm still a n00b (to myself if no one else) and I don't like the idea of having to check my setup like can (now) just water or feed and let them do the rest...I'm still learning, but I think I'm off to a good start for my second grow with a little knowledge :lol:
Right but you are in soil and you have some impulse control, me on the other hand.... That's the problem for me. Soil requires a feedback loop between grower and plant. I don't know the signals yet and I'm not good at recognizing them. I am getting better and I'm considering trying soil but that's why I'm in hydro and why I think this newbie might need to be in hydro for a bit.

If you want to overfeed you are only a reservoir change away from a solution. Soil is easier and harder. So you have more on the ball about growing than I do even though I'm currently in my 5th harvest (I've gone perpetual so I'll be losing track since q2 weeks is another harvest). But soil is tougher, way tougher for some, than hydro. You can take a sort of checklist approach to hydro. If not for hydro I'd be potless LOL.


Well-Known Member
That's why I was thinking get them out and put them in something else. It's a desparate measure, but it's kinda desparate times.

However, maybe if he did a pH up on his tap water, he'd be able to achieve the lockout effect you were speaking of, however... the seedlings are still in the soil and still exposed to all the nutrients. FFOF is organic, so I don't imagine one can really flush out the soil like you can with other mediums. What do you think?

Hydro is all Greek to me. Lol, get it. No but it really is. I wouldn't know how or where to start and when I start reading a thread where hydro is discussed my eyes glaze over and I go play Bloons TD5.


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Staff member
That's why I was thinking get them out and put them in something else. It's a desparate measure, but it's kinda desparate times.

However, maybe if he did a pH up on his tap water, he'd be able to achieve the lockout effect you were speaking of, however... the seedlings are still in the soil and still exposed to all the nutrients. FFOF is organic, so I don't imagine one can really flush out the soil like you can with other mediums. What do you think?

Hydro is all Greek to me. Lol, get it. No but it really is. I wouldn't know how or where to start and when I start reading a thread where hydro is discussed my eyes glaze over and I go play Bloons TD5.
I was thinking if he really didn't want to come out of soil he could try to nutrient lockout. As long as he pH'ed up his water I was hoping he could rid the lockout like I do when I get to much in a plant. But like Rik said the problem is soil is very pH stable and even though he upped the pH it wouldn't make a different at the root. If he upped his pH as much as it might take to alter this I'd be afraid he'd kill them because it's resistant to small change.

Whereas in coco I can move my pH pretty easily. Which is why I think that's working for me. I feel a similar way about soil! LOL But as we gain experience we always end up branching out. I never thought I'd even think of soil and yet here I am.

I think the ONLY way this guy can save these is moving to soilless. The good thing is their rootballs are probably very small and he could get this transferred. So I'm out since I'm not helpful and I'm just derailing him. Hopefully the soil gurus can help him get back on track, because it eludes me.

So OP don't feel bad we all lose plants and all learn. Just hang in there and keep planting.


Active Member
Also, I would recommed straight HAPPY FROG. I started a bunch of plants in FFOF, and all seemed to be affected by burnt leaves after a few weeks. It's just too hot..lesson learned. Happy Frog in solo cups, then transplant into FFOF. And MAKE SURE you keep zip lock baggies over the tops until you see 2 sets of REAL LEAVES, plus the other little ones. Then lightly mist those babies. Let your cups dry ALMOST completely before adding more straight water.


Well-Known Member
Right but you are in soil and you have some impulse control, me on the other hand.... That's the problem for me. Soil requires a feedback loop between grower and plant. I don't know the signals yet and I'm not good at recognizing them. I am getting better and I'm considering trying soil but that's why I'm in hydro and why I think this newbie might need to be in hydro for a bit.

If you want to overfeed you are only a reservoir change away from a solution. Soil is easier and harder. So you have more on the ball about growing than I do even though I'm currently in my 5th harvest (I've gone perpetual so I'll be losing track since q2 weeks is another harvest). But soil is tougher, way tougher for some, than hydro. You can take a sort of checklist approach to hydro. If not for hydro I'd be potless LOL.
Man in Jan, I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground. I have grown veggies for years outside, and exotic plants inside, but never MJ...I had 6 when I started this grow...I'm down to 1, and she's a little on the small side (26")...But I have 1 OG Kush sprouted, and another I'm germin in a dixie cup of soil now...and gettin ready for the 2 purple kush and the heavy duty fruity :weed: I'm stoked, I can't wait...that brings me to having some impulse control...with ADHD it's aweful hard...and yes that's 1 reason I smoke, I can chill and concentrate :clap: the other reason, I fucking love it, everything about it, if I could I would :hug:


Well-Known Member
Hang in there RiknStein, your on your way to master grower... every destination starts with a journeybongsmilie