My apollo 13 clones just rooted - questions on putting them in soil


Well-Known Member
I just got my first batch of apollo 13 cuts rooted (cuts of both females took -- yay!) using sub's rapid rooter method. It worked as promised though I am still waiting on some to root... I put that on my first time mistakes that I'll resolve next time. I got some of each apollo so I'm cool no matter what else I get since I only have room for 3 flower plants anyway and I got 3 cuts so far rooted.


A) Is putting them straight into roots that is not hot ok as a base soil -- they are some greedy N piglets?
B) I pretty much transplanted the parents from 7" square pots at 4 weeks into 100% super soil surrounding them and they are loving it. So how much super soil is it safe to put in the bottom of a pot for a cutting? 50%? More? Could I put it straight into super soil?? (I am planning on vegging for a while so I probably will not put in a large container at first and will not be going into flower fast).

Need to put'em in soil tonight hope for a fast and good response from the tga lovers :)



Well-Known Member
no bro, cut your roots with an empty mix, 2/3 roots, 1/3 empty mix.......plant into 1/2 or one gallon pots....let them build their roots for three weeks, then transplant into hotter soil....they don't need much for nutes right now.....if you have a little mico fungus, that would help....good luck, and congrats