My 5Ft Plants Flowering


Active Member
dude...thats a beast...if u do it right, pending on the strain, and how good of a green thumb you are, you gonna get way more then 3oz's...honestly if yo do it right can get 8-10 oz easy....i suggest you search the web and find all the tricks to maximizing your buds to the fullest...Good luck... wish me luck to man


Well-Known Member
couple questions??? u say that it is like 5' right? and is it in full sun and are u opening up the branches so the sun gets down into the plant.....???If u are doing that including nuts something with high flowing/blooming..big bloom or something....yes...definitally no less than 1/2 to a pound.....i would guess.dependent on I say..3/4 of a pound is 16 oz is 28 grams


Well-Known Member
The branches are already open pretty wide. My plant is in a lenai and gets plenty of sun. Not direct but good enough. More then any light indoors would ever put out. And im using Big Bloom every week. What kind of dosage do you think i should do. With my last one i put almost a half cup in a gallon of water. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
No one has told me if they think its gonna be like 1/2 lb dry or 1/2 lb wet? What is it gonna be do you think?


Well-Known Member
tie the branches back, let more sun into the center of the plant, i dont know what youre gonna get off it, but tie it back an youll get more bigger buds.


Well-Known Member
I have little brown spots on some of my lower leaves? Are these spider mites? And if so can i use the same bug killer ive been using that is ok on like vegetables and stuff?


Well-Known Member
I just started the pursuit of spider mite death in my room, and have learned alot! I don't think you have mites, they don't give you brown spots, they make the leaf have tiny little white dots where they have bit into the leaf. just do a search for Spider Mites on the search engine on this site, and you will have some reading to do! But I don't think you have mites! Check under the leafs....GL