My 1st salvia "trip"... most intense, terrifying thing


Well-Known Member
I've only done it in small doses. Enough for me to get giggly and have a heavy bodily drunk (but not drunk, heh) feeling. Which is pretty fun for me haha.
I don't mind psychedelics or whatever (i haven't done them all though), but I don't like the feeling of losing control of my body and/or actions. Which seems to be how a lot of people feel.. I feel like I've read about too many people having bad trips that i'm paranoid that i will have a bad one, which is convincing me that I really will have one. Which is making me stay away from it. haha


Oracle of Hallucinogens
does anyone know a good (relatively cheap) site to order from?
bouncingbearbotanicals... don't waste your time with other sites. They have the best product for near, if not, the best price. If you're buying 40x or higher, you're paying for marketing and your own stupidity.. unless you have a very, very reputable company. Anything over 20x (from a good vendor) is overkill (assuming it's actually over 20x, which in most cases, it isn't).