My 1st Outdoors Setup


I'm going to start off by saying I do no have any pictures at this time, but I do have an amazing imagination that will make you picture everything you read! :D

This is a project in the making and I still need help.

I currently have 9 seeds germinating, I plan to start these off inside until they are about 1/2 a foot tall then I will transplant them into bigger pots. Now if they all germinate I have decided to have 3 large pots (biggest plastic ones available at HD) with 3 plants per a pot, spread evenly throughout it.

Now, for my setup. This is where I get a little stuck, I have a location down in a valley, but, the sun only shines in certain areas down there, now since it is in pots I can move them around. Although I will have 4 T-posts set up with fishing line from top to bottom about a foot apart and chicken wire around all the pots due to pest animals like deer and birds. So moving these pots is only a necessity and not so much for fun. Is it bad if I put them in spots where the sun may not directly hit? Also I have chose this spot because of the heat waves in Texas, to where if it's extremely hot I can move them under trees to shade my darlings.

With that being said, if that all goes planned, what do you suggest for watering? 3 plants per a pot, is that too many? These are fairly large pots, but will I need to water them more often? I plan to spray the plants themselves every day when I put them into the shade to cool them down and also to keep the bugs off. I have a personal soil made up and I trust my gut on that. Fertilizer and insect repellents is where I am also stumped. I do not know what to use, when to use it and how.

So far this is what I've came up with, the grow spot cannot be seen from the road either. I can only access it on my ATV, which to me is a plus. (it's my own personal trail) If you see any flaws, feel free to point them out and please correct me and give me any tips, I will keep you guys updated on my germination rate in a few days, and also I will get pictures as soon as I get my baby's settled in happily. :) Thanks to all for taking your time reading this and helping if you can.

-Drop a 4 with a 20. :)


Well-Known Member
Is it bad if I put them in spots where the sun may not directly hit? Also I have chose this spot because of the heat waves in Texas, to where if it's extremely hot I can move them under trees to shade my darlings.

With that being said, if that all goes planned, what do you suggest for watering? 3 plants per a pot, is that too many? These are fairly large pots, but will I need to water them more often? I plan to spray the plants themselves every day when I put them into the shade to cool them down and also to keep the bugs off. I have a personal soil made up and I trust my gut on that. Fertilizer and insect repellents is where I am also stumped. I do not know what to use, when to use it and how.

-Drop a 4 with a 20. :)
Drop...that was a LONG scenario. Its cool you have a plan, and you're seeking advice in advance. Its always better to be one or two steps ahead of your grow. To know what to expect when something happens, and knowing what to do beforehand; instead of getting caught with your pants down in a critical moment not knowing what to do. So I commend you, sir!
I highlighted the important questions you have IMO. It's cool that you are planting in pots, for when mobility is your concern. However, moving them around all the time to shaded areas will be a huge pain in the ass. The more you are with them, the more likely you have chances of being caught. Also, MJ doesn't have to be in constant sun. Although, that would be ideal, 60% full sun 40% partial shade would be nice for them too. Keep scouting spots until you find a nice setting for them.
Three plants to a pot will cause root competition among multiple plants, causing stunted growth/stress...= bad.
Spraying the plants leaves isnt necessary unless you only plan on foliar feeding them. Water at the base of the plant. Keep the soil moist all the time. They plants will tell you when they are thirsty. But try never to have the leaves wilt.
I think I about covered everything...I had to smoke 2 cigs and 1/2 a blunt to read and then write this long ass reply...but I hope this all helps!
Good Luck!:joint::peace:


Drop...that was a LONG scenario. Its cool you have a plan, and you're seeking advice in advance. Its always better to be one or two steps ahead of your grow. To know what to expect when something happens, and knowing what to do beforehand; instead of getting caught with your pants down in a critical moment not knowing what to do. So I commend you, sir!
I highlighted the important questions you have IMO. It's cool that you are planting in pots, for when mobility is your concern. However, moving them around all the time to shaded areas will be a huge pain in the ass. The more you are with them, the more likely you have chances of being caught. Also, MJ doesn't have to be in constant sun. Although, that would be ideal, 60% full sun 40% partial shade would be nice for them too. Keep scouting spots until you find a nice setting for them.
Three plants to a pot will cause root competition among multiple plants, causing stunted growth/stress...= bad.
Spraying the plants leaves isnt necessary unless you only plan on foliar feeding them. Water at the base of the plant. Keep the soil moist all the time. They plants will tell you when they are thirsty. But try never to have the leaves wilt.
I think I about covered everything...I had to smoke 2 cigs and 1/2 a blunt to read and then write this long ass reply...but I hope this all helps!
Good Luck!:joint::peace:
Yeah, I was enjoying picturing my future grow, I think about it every day, but thanks for reading and your input I think I may change my mind on plants per a pot, maybe use the next size down and one plant per a pot would be better. I really appreciate your opinion it helped. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was enjoying picturing my future grow, I think about it every day, but thanks for reading and your input I think I may change my mind on plants per a pot, maybe use the next size down and one plant per a pot would be better. I really appreciate your opinion it helped. :)
I'm really not sure when outdoor weed starts flowering in Texas, but this will dictate what size conatiners you should plant in. Example, for me where I live, my plants should start to flower either the end of this month or middle of next, thus, I wouldn't even bother putting seeds into the ground, because they prolly wouldn't produce anything worth the effort for.


Well-Known Member
Ok, suit yourself...You asked for people's thoughts and opinions, I offered. I must have misunderstood your question that you wanted us to tell you what you want to hear.


Ok, suit yourself...You asked for people's thoughts and opinions, I offered. I must have misunderstood your question that you wanted us to tell you what you want to hear.
No I appreciate your input but I'm really strict on starting this season, I can only learn from my mistakes. I do know it's late in the season but I can play and always try.


Well-Known Member
No I appreciate your input but I'm really strict on starting this season, I can only learn from my mistakes. I do know it's late in the season but I can play and always try.
Well then, I wish you the best of luck. If they do pull through, I know you'll get a harvest. So, I'm always glad to give my advice and opinions.:peace: