My 1st Baby Help Me Grow It Right


Active Member
I put about seven seeds in between two wet paper towels and about 36 hours later most of the seeds had a root. I took the best looking seed and planted it on a container with fertilizer and soil from my back yard.
*Do you guys think my plant will grow with the soil that i used?
*If you think that it will grow, how often should I water it and how much?

I'd appreciate some help


Active Member
I was reading on the net about watering and i read that the smaller the plant is the less water it needs. Is that correct???

Also my plant hasn't even sprouted from the ground yet, but i got "high" hopes. I read on the net that in this stage of growing, I should only water the plant once in two days whenever I see that the growing medium is somewat dry. Is that correct???

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

Large plants drink more water.... yes..

The best watering technique is the flood and dry system.. Completely saturate all the soil in the container at every watering (exception seedlings) and then dont water again untill the top 2-3 inches of the soil are dry...

this type of thorough watering encourages even root growth throughout the container and prevents plants from needing repotting or becoming rootbound..



Well-Known Member
great advice garden knwm............I also use the weight test for my babies. I pick them up when they are dry and when they are fully watered. This helps me to gauge their needs and their moisture. good luck~


Well-Known Member
You will be alright just please dont over water. Its the hardest thing not to do when you first start growing because you always think they need it but they dont. Try and set up a schedual so that you have days you water, so that when you go out there you dont accidently water them.

Goodluck buddy : )


Active Member
I just planted another baby. This is exactly what I did

1. I filled my pot which is 6in deep and has a 6 in diameter with soil from my back yard. The soil fills only 5 inches of the container
2. I put the seed in about 1/2 inch deep
3. I threw about 500ml of water

Question #1: Was what I did correct?
Question #2: Do I have any hopes of seeing my baby sprout?
Question #3: How long do you think it takes for seed to sprout out of the soil?