

Active Member
Wow, Jesus can be trashed here, but Mohammed? Appearantly not. I have posted 2 different threads about stupid fucking Muslims, both deleted by moderators. A real double-standard.

I guess this thread will be deleted as well. But not before I say that Muslims suck more than Christians do. Fuck you Muslims, and moderators too...
the muslims were and are decieved just like the christains there was not any one named jesus:shock::confused::twisted::sleep::dunce::wall:

Smoke Friend

Active Member
"Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Qur’an 2:191
“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Qur’an 9:123
“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Qur’an 9:5
“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Qur’an 3:85
“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.”... Qur’an 9:30
“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Qur’an 5:33
“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an22:19
“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” Qur’an 8:65
“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Qur’an 3:28
“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Qur’an 8:12
“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” Qur’an 8:60
"I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers. Qur'an 8:12

Sigh, guys look for you're self and you may find the truth.

I suggest every who looks this up to also find an explanation of the verse. I will give one example.

tjsap24 states.
"Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Qur’an 2:191

What i found doing a few minutes of research.

I find it important to add 2:190 as-well. even tho it would be better to read it all from the beginning however there is not enough writing space and i don't think a lot of you would read it all, lets start.

(2:190) Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you but do not transgress, for Allah does not love transgressors.

(2:191) Kill them whenever you confront them and drive them out from where they drove you out. (For though killing is sinful) wrongful persecution is even worse than killing. Do not fight against them near the Holy Mosque unless they fight against you; but if they fight against you kill them, for that is the reward of such unbelievers.​
Now for explanation, there is a lot of wisdom in few words and you could write a whole book for just one verse if you had the knowledge for it, but i will keep it short and copy paste the first explanation i found, I'm sure there are many more that are way better but that is for you to research if you wish.

The believers are asked to fight those who hindered their efforts in the cause of God, and acted with hostility towards them merely because they sought to fashion human life according to the revealed guidance of God. Earlier, when they were weak and scattered, the Muslims were asked merely to preach and be patient with the wrongful repression meted out to them by their opponents. However, now that a small city state had been established in Madina they were commanded for the first time to unsheathe their swords against those who had resorted to armed hostility against their movement of reform. It was some time after this injunction that the Battle of Badr took place, to be followed by several other battles.

The believers are told that material interests should not be the motivation for their fighting, that they should not take up arms against those who were not in opposition to the true faith, that they should not resort to unscrupulous methods or to the indiscriminate killing and pillage which characterized the wars of the pre-Islamic era, the Age of Ignorance. The excesses alluded to in this verse are acts such as taking up arms against women and children, the old and the injured, mutilation of the dead bodies of the enemy, uncalled-for devastation through the destruction of fields and livestock, and other similar acts of injustice and brutality. In the Hadith all these acts have been prohibited. The real intent of the verse is to stress that force should be used only when its use is unavoidable, and only to the extent that is absolutely necessary.

Here the word fitnah is used in the sense of 'persecution'. It refers to a situation whereby either a person or a group is subjected to harassment and intimidation for having accepted, as true, a set of ideas contrary to those currently held, and for striving to effect reforms in the existing order of society by preaching what is good and condemning what is wrong. Such a situation must be changed, if need be, by the force of arms.

Bloodshed is bad, but when one group of people imposes its ideology and forcibly prevents others from accepting the truth, then it becomes guilty of an even more serious crime. In such circumstances, it is perfectly legitimate to remove that oppressive group by the force of arms.


Well-Known Member
Hate is a relative term...but Muslims are not relative...they simply unconditionally hate us and should be deported from the US...en masse tomorrow...with bacon stuffed down their throats, and up their...well, you know...
Well, I don't love you...if you're in the US, then please relocate to a third-world Muslim country where people still wipe their ass with their left hand...and take a bite from your left hand every now and then and think of me...
yeah thats unconditional hate you bigot


Active Member
In the grand scheme of things, I know I can't expect any of you to understand my loss...My wife crashed into the World Trade Center at about 500 miles per hour...while we were talking on our cell phones...she knew what was happening even as I was denying it...our call ended in "I love you...tell the kids that I love them..."...then only static on the line...the beginning of my life-long nightmare...thanks to radical fucking Muslims...all hoping for a few virgins in heaven...doesn't that make you women out there cringe?...if not everyone else as well...
That thought process right there... that's why you have a pathetically weak mind.


Active Member
Christians started to change the religious perspective back in the 16th century. Long way has taken.
Muslims never did or will anytime in the next 1000 years.
They dont,wont and cant question.
Its just forbidden or You loose Your fucking head.

After all, I have no faith on any of the religions around.


Well-Known Member
why not make a thread titled
Did the Holocaust really happen ?
were jews really made into lampshades, ashtrays and bars of soap ?
see how long that lasts LOL


Well-Known Member
How many people has america killed? Really I want to know. How many countries are we at war with right now. Not just the war on terror but all the other dumb shit our country is doing when no one is looking. Since I have been a child muslims have been able to kill what a few thousand Americans. I don't think between the gulf war and the one in Iraq and Afghanistan we have lost 10000 troops, not that it is not sad, but I've heard the death count in Iraq is over 500000 so far (I'm not quoting that as fact, were not required to keep track of how many we kill). We are also all over Africa and Central and south America. I used to live in the southwest part of the country where there is just as many illegal immigrants as there is Americans and they bust cocaine by the semi full. Where I was at everyone know how to find weed and coke and lots and lots of it. Not I know up in Michigan and Montana there are all kind of people with huge stashes of weapons and all kinds of gangs all over with huge stashes of weapons and in every major city in this country almost every hotel and 7-11 are owned by muslims. So if there is all these way to get weapons and Muslims and Mexicans and drugs and everything thing you can imagine into our country, why isn't anything happening if they hated us so much. If mexicans started a war with us they would have millions dead the first day (because there already here) and the muslims death toll is so low, especially on our own soil.

I think it is all a joke. It took a few planeloads of people to do this, they couldn't even pick a fight with real weapons. If muslim were out to us they would do something about it other than recruit suicidal pilots.

I'm sorry if I'm hurting anyone feeling, no ones death is a joke but this whole 911 and the war on terror is just sick and I have a hard time respecting people who don't see what our country is doing to the rest of the world. I know there is evil muslims and evil christians and just plain sick fuckers out there but most people don't have a clue how little respect for life the rulers of America really have.

There is no peace in killing! Unless defending yourself or others its just murder. Now I someone comes through your village with tanks and machine guns kicking down doors then who is defending who.

If the were that out to get us then why don't they! Wake up!