

Well-Known Member
I dig this.Good music,with a good message.



Well-Known Member
Cute. Too bad there was no duet with Henrietta Pussycat at 2:10 - meow meow? The music is meh but that's just me. Can't really explain why that is meh while Jose's version of Heartbeats is not. Don't have to explain it here, though. Just like I don't have to open a debate of the source material for this either - a musical that (too me) is quite the opposite of meh: :)



Well-Known Member
I loved Portishead and Beth Gibbons in the 90s, still great to chill to while lifted. Their music was known as Trip-hop, aptly named I think. I listened to the album Dummy 'til it just fell apart -



Well-Known Member
Wow, this is beautiful and inspirational. I just lost it watching this, you just can't stop music...


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...not my normal cup o' tea, but the stanzas are worth it. 'Specially the last one.



Well-Known Member
Alright! Eye with the hip-hop :)

Bleak, grimacing winters led him to seek vengence
With every step the mystique of a Street Menace...



Well-Known Member
This jam will always have a special place in my heart...



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

I'm.... not sure.

...but I like it for some reason. lol


Well-Known Member
^^ Wow, BB! I was SO not ready for that. Here in the US, black face is one thing, that white South African bitch went black body. No shame...


Well-Known Member
^^ Wow, BB! I was SO not ready for that. Here in the US, black face is one thing, that white South African bitch went black body. No shame...
LOL... A common reaction I believe..


I still don't know what to think... lol