mueller wants to interview trump


Well-Known Member
Maybe some of us here think POTUS is doing a great job. Don't bring up Sessions. Sessions is his own asshole and POTUS knows he has more important policies on his plate than cannabis. Whether we want to admit it or not, we will never be truely free to use cannabis as we see fit until the States have fought for their rights to govern in the Supreme Court. This issue is bigger than pot, and cuts to the core of what America was intended to be, a collection of states, with strong governments, united by a federal government with very specific and limited powers.
Potus is a fucking disaster. He's a lying, racist, half witted narcissist. If "maybe you think ole bone spurs is doing a good job" you're mistaken. Unless "a good job" means more covfefe, nambia, daughter banging, roy moore support and golf at Mar a lardo.
Care to back up your opinion with some links or are you just here to scream at the sky in anger over your girl losing? If it helps, I am sure POTUS will drop out any day now.


Well-Known Member

I can trollolololly this trumptard in the face no sweat but look at what I get for making a thoughtful political argument by researching and trying to engage @greg nr with this. One idiot makes one comment and the thread gets derailed for pages. I actually spent hours researching in order to start a real debate in this thread and along the subject of the OP.
