Mucky’s Female Seeds C99 EBB & Flow grow


Well-Known Member
O Im smokin' some Cindy thats been cured for atleast a month. Its SUPER.
Your ladies are looking good and healthy, gonna look like one bush..


Well-Known Member
I'm looking forward to it xGrimace. I have tried several different varieties and have read mostly positive remarks about c99. My last grow was White Widow. It has a nice spicy smell and taste but it seems to be losing a little after 6 months of storage. I stored it with the 62% humidipaks and they work great but I prefer the taste between 1 and 3 months of curing.


Well-Known Member
I decided it was time to read the documentation that came with my camera since I've had it for more than a year. I turned off the HPS to take the last shots but was less than happy with the results. With the hps light on I couldn't get a decent photo when adjusting the white level in Photoshop so I finally figured out the settings on the camera.

This is the first bud shot.. Is it ready to chop yet?bongsmilie



More leaves under HPS.. I wonder where the yellow went?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Xgrimance and others have been talking about how good a smoke it is. I can't wait to try it. This C99 is from female seeds... just as advertised so far... matured in 4 weeks (ready to begin flower).. all the seeds popped... fast growing and healthy.. just hope it doesn't stretch too much. I only have a safe 3 1/2 ft grow area before it gets too close to the lights.


Well-Known Member
Strain: Female seeds C99
seeds sprouted on: 11/30/13
Total growing days: 35

Switched to 12/12 on: 12/21/13
Total veg days: 21
Total days under 12/12: 14
Started producing buds: 12/27/13
Total budding days: 8
Height: 20 inches
I am starting to worry. They are really stretching now. It has only been 2 weeks since I switched to 12/12 and even with LST they average over 20".

I am adding Koolbloom into the mix to hopefully convince these plants that they need to put their energy into flowering instead of stretching. The ratios will now be as follows.

8 parts Micro
16 parts Bloom
5 parts Koolbloom

Resetting total PPM from 1250 to 1365 @ .7. Hmm, adding the Koolbloom brought the PH up to 5.8 so it looks like I will no longer need to use 1/4 ml of ph up per gallon anymore when I top off my res..... KUEWL!! :lol:



Well-Known Member
Hey Muck....Nice setup bro....Wow, only 21 days for veggin' and they look like that ? sweet hopefully they don't grow too high for ya....

I just got some Female c99 seeds in the mail...After reading various reviews this is what I decided on.....I am planning my cab now, and will start soon....

I am subbing to your thread....Want to see how crazy these things grow, lol....Do you think they are pretty much done growing taller ? Also, were your seeds feminized ?

Muck, do you think you could take a look at this thread on my cab choices ? I'd like to hear your input... thanks, SC


Well-Known Member
Hey Muck....Nice setup bro....Wow, only 21 days for veggin' and they look like that ? sweet hopefully they don't grow too high for ya....

I just got some Female c99 seeds in the mail...After reading various reviews this is what I decided on.....I am planning my cab now, and will start soon....

I am subbing to your thread....Want to see how crazy these things grow, lol....Do you think they are pretty much done growing taller ? Also, were your seeds feminized ?

Muck, do you think you could take a look at this thread on my cab choices ? I'd like to hear your input... thanks, SC
21 days was crazy fast. I have been playing with ebb&flow. The last grow was fast but nothing like this. Growing in soil is slower and probably easier to manage in a cabinet grow. They are getting taller but showing a lot of buds on the tips now. I will take picture again in about a week and measure it again.

Yes, they are fems, c99 from Female Seeds. C99's can get pretty large so you would need to do some training... If it were me I would try something that stays shorter your first time around.

:leaf: Happy Growing!!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sorry muck, I meant they will NOT stretch anymore after the first two weeks of flower.
Heh heh heh...:lol: yea xGrimance, after reading your last message I thought I might need a weed whacker or a machete to control them. The tips are forming lots of buds now and it looks like they are slowing down. How is the plant with the male looking buds looking? One of my plants has small ball like thingies along the larger stems. They are very small but I can see a single hair. They are all single bulges, not a cluster so mine does not look like in the article that described a true herm. I am worried now though. I have seen articles saying it is a hermie but... I have also seen pictures of of buds with seeds that the author claimed were hermie balls. I feel confused... :wall:



Well-Known Member
Interested to see how she grows out, don't mean to scare you but them are the same characteristics as mine right now.


Subbed! I'm right there with you, on my first grow ever and it's also a FMS C99. I've got a single hempy style plant that's in day 20 of flower right now.


Well-Known Member

  • Strain: Female seeds C99
    seeds sprouted on: 11/30/13
    Total growing days: 40

    Switched to 12/12 on: 12/21/13
    Total veg days: 21
    Total days under 12/12: 19

    Height: Was over 33" inches

They have grown up to the lights, 6" more growth and my light will be smoking them. This is pretty much a failed grow.

I decided to Scrog them. Maybe I will still get something if I didn't stress them so bad they will hermi.



Well-Known Member
Subbed! I'm right there with you, on my first grow ever and it's also a FMS C99. I've got a single hempy style plant that's in day 20 of flower right now.
I hear c99 is a super smoke. Keep me posted. The future of my grow is questionable right now. I have been messing a little with hydro and they grew... and they grew... and they grew till they couldn't grow no more...:sad:


Well-Known Member
Hey muck, maybe I missed it but how tall were they when you switched to flower ? And how tall would they be without the screen right now ? Seems like they are growin' awfully fast


Well-Known Member
Hey muck, maybe I missed it but how tall were they when you switched to flower ? And how tall would they be without the screen right now ? Seems like they are growin' awfully fast
Hi ya Spaaace. When I topped them to 4 main stems at 18 days they were around 6 inches, When I put them into flower at 21 days they were around 8 inches. I had to scrog them at 40 total growing days (19 days 12/12) because they were over 33 inches even after being bent and tied down. I only have around 38" total grow height because of the space the ebb&flo takes up so the only choice I had was to scrog. I think they will be a real pain to harvest now with a lot of leaves and smaller buds. I believe if I would have grown 3 plants instead of crowding in 6 I wouldn't of had that awful stretch.


Well-Known Member
that's incredible that they grew 5x themselves in 19 days.

I'll be growing some c99 in soil soon....I'll have roughly 4.5' of grow height....I'm wondering how high I should let them grow before I flip them to 12-12....


Well-Known Member
Dude your fine, you lucked out with the side space, just spread them out like you did. They will point back up at the light ina day, hopefully they wont get much taller.
You could accomplish 6 plants in that space if you trained them after topping, but 3 would probably be easier to deal with.


Well-Known Member
that's incredible that they grew 5x themselves in 19 days.

I'll be growing some c99 in soil soon....I'll have roughly 4.5' of grow height....I'm wondering how high I should let them grow before I flip them to 12-12....
Yea, this is my 2nd time running hydro and I can't believe the difference in growth rates. The first time the white widow did the same thing. I ended up with 2 scrog screens and two harvests.... cut the tops, waited a week and harvested the bottoms... It was a real mess..

I would't want to guess how long to veg. Soil grows are much different. I believe that a plant produces better if flipped to 12/12 when more mature.