Mr. Benjamin's 1st Grow


Well-Known Member
they say it can burn the plant because the water acts as a magnifying glass focusing the light basically the same way u would do with the sun and a magnifying glass on a leaf or something. Most people suggest that if your going to spritz it with water, do it when the lights are going to go out


Hey guys, on about the same page as both of you, just started my first grow...seriously don't think growing from clones is going to be as exciting as seeds, but this is the first hobby to take my interest in a long time :)

AS for the lights on the plants with the water...had a problem where i was using the wrong kind of lights and spraying on the leaves and got 'light burn' which is were some sections of the leaves were getting so much light that they bleached out. Not sure if it was just the lights or the spray as well, but pulled well back. The bugger is that it has stunted what was my fastest growing plant :(


Well-Known Member
Is it true that it can harm the plant to get water on the actual plant while the light is on?
I do not believe it is just water that harms the leaves but possibly the acidity of the water and how much is absorbed before it is evaporated from the leaf.



Well-Known Member

It seemed to of dried up and died :(

I will do a little more research before round 2.
Sorry for you loss, looking over this thread it sure seems as if your plant did not get enough water. On round 2 you can try starting your seedling in a cup of water until you see a descent root mass form then transfer to hydroton only. The root you seen when moving the hydroton was probably just the tap root and if it was really elongated it means the plant was in search of water. I will be waiting for round 2.



Well-Known Member
Oh Ben man thats a bummer, next time post some pics of whats going on, you pretty sure it died, it didnt just lay over or something did it?