Moving to Colorado Springs, CO 411 needed


Greetings in the name of our Father and Creator.

I hope that all of you are doing well and full of blessings. Well, as it turns out, I had to pull out early on my Hawaiian Snow grow because of personal issues that I cannot discuss. Either way, my family and I have been planning to move to Colorado Springs, CO since 2 years ago and the time has finally arrived. I have come up with enough money to sustain ourselves for a good 6 months until I get my priorities established, economicaly. I am a father of 4 and a husband for many many years in which are my joys of life that Jah has bestowed upon me. I believe that Cannabis is the future for our family and therefore I have decided to make the move into that state where not only our Beliefs can be expressed more freely but in a place in which I can live off the land through this herb of healing.

Sadly, I have no family members in Colorado Springs or know of any contacts so we are basically renting a U-Haul and driving my family off into unknown land because I have faith that everything will work out fine in the end. I was wondering, if there are any fellow Coloradians from Colorado Springs who can shed some light on the subject of moving. I have emailed and called a ton of apartments for rent, as well as homes, but I can never seem to get through because they feel as if they are wasting their time with an-out-of-state guy. So, we will have to set foot there to meet tenants face to face instead and therefore, we will be at the mercy of local hotels or motels to aid us in providing shelter while the process of providing my family with a roof rolls into place.

I have been on Worker's Compensation for almost 2 years due to an accident that occured at work which rendered my L4 & L5-S1 discs almost unusable with issues such as Degenerative Disc Disease, Chronic Hernias, Neuropathy, Nerve Root Damage that cause me extreme pain 24/7 throughout all my body and nerves. Cannabis means so much to me now, in a more spiritual sense than a physical one and I also believe that this Herb can help me recouperate and regerenate my mobility and my health back the way it was, before the accident; and what better place to do it than Colorado? We plan to leave in 2 weeks, tops.

So, I am pretty much throwing out this message to anyone whow happens to live in the Colorado Springs, CO area who may have any information that can lead us to find a place to rent, preferably a home as we have all the means to provide rent. May the Love and Grace of our Father and Creator protect us All.

Bless and Love



Well-Known Member
as someone who went thru the pain portion of the above.. MMJ along with my religious faith kept me off my pain pills that I was on for 22 years..
I have DDD, S.S, R.A and a whole list of other issues.. I stopped working 2 years ago which helped out with the pain and sleep issues for the most part.

I prefer medibles over smoking except on certain days when the pain needs to be gone NOW.

I have lived in CO many ages ago and it's stunning.. that is about all I can offer as far as help in the renting dept..

hoping it will all work out for you.


I have lived in CO many ages ago and it's stunning.. that is about all I can offer as far as help in the renting dept..
Hello, Gioua! Thanks for chiming in! I appreciate the time you invested in reading my post but what do you mean by "Stunning?" I am desperately looking online for places and the Southern and Western area of Colorado Springs is looking like the place I want to be at. So, I will keep looking up more in that matter as I have no personal contacts there, whatsoever. I also struck luck and I got a hold of some medicinal herb from an unknown contact and it sure is some nice Kush, so I am definatedly getting some relief tonight. :-)


Well-Known Member
well stunning means it was beautiful.. Lived in Aurora and Co springs back in the early 80's
the schools were great..

check out Craigslist in that area for renting