moving to CA, do you have to be a resident to get a mm card?


Active Member
hey do u have to be a resident or can one get a card as long as they have a CA drivers license? i will be aquiring residency through my lease on apt but am curious if i can get card before i become a "resident". any info would be great, thanks

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
You need to be a resident, so you can't get your mmj card till you get a state drivers license.
You can't get a state drivers license until you have proof of residency.
Good luck.


Active Member
I went to Cali for a National Championship game last year and i got a card with my out of state id. Easy as cake, went right next door and smoked some hash out of a $4k bong. Believe me I was ripped. It was kinda stupid since i only used the card for 3 days while I was there the whole year that it was valid, but hey it was worth it. Plus the trip, the card and a couple Sheldon Black bongs were paid for by a friend who has a sugar daddy. LOL. We racked up 2k at the glass shop real quick, the guys thought we were crazy. My friend was like "put it on the card"

Anyway the card only worked for that certain place. All other dispensaries gave me shit cuz i had an out of state ID.They said if i had a piece of mail with my name on it and a local address they would have let me in. I planned on sending some mail to a friend that live there right before i came back to Cali to fool the system, but I haven't made my way back to Cali. If you need to know the place i went to in Venice, PM me.